Illinois Legislators Need Our Prayers!

By November 16, 2016Illinois

Be Part of the CWA of Illinois Encourage-A-Legislator Project

Only prayer and action will turn the hearts of our legislators and Illinoisans in 2017!  Here’s how you can help!

We are seeking intercessors for the CWA of Illinois Encourage-A-Legislator (EAL) Project.

EAL is a project of encouragement and prayer for our Illinois legislators not an expression of political or public policy views.  It involves 3 easy steps:

  1. CWA provides 12 pre-addressed postcards that contain a Scripture, Founding Father quote, and prayer.
  2. Participants sign, stamp and send a postcard once a month and pray earnestly for their assigned legislator.
  3. Participants are welcome to pray for and encourage more than one legislator.

A special thanks to all those who participated in the 2016 EAL project during the 2016 legislative session.  EAL intercessors sent monthly postcards to Illinois elected officials, members of the Illinois General Assembly, as well as all Illinois County Board and Commission Chairpersons.  We received several messages from legislators expressing gratitude for the encouragement and prayers.

Prayer moves the Hand of God in the affairs of this nation. In fact, we are commanded to pray for those in authority.

“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior…” (1 Timothy 2:1)

The Illinois Encourage-a-Legislator project cannot exist without funding.  If you feel led, please donate to CWA of Illinois.  All donations given to CWA of Illinois funds the state’s projects and initiatives.  CWA of Illinois is volunteer-directed.  Click here to donate today! Or, feel free to send a check to the address below.

 If you would like to participate in the CWA of Illinois Encourage-a-Legislator Project, please call 815-297-2918 or e-mail me at  Be sure to let us know how many you would like to pray for and encourage.


Debbie Leininger
State Director
CWA of Illinois
1255 W. Empire Street
Freeport, IL 61032