The nature of the events which grieve me enough to sound the alarm for you are such that I should first say, this is not meant as a partisan post. In the context of our politics, I am a Republican because I am a conservative, but I am not that passionate about Republicanism to be honest. My passion is the Word of God and honoring Jesus Christ whom I follow as my Lord and King.

This is why the darkness which has descended on Chicago during the Democratic National Convention (DNC) compels me to raise my voice once again in protest. I am certain millions of followers of Jesus from all kinds of political persuasions share my grief.

I am, of course, talking about the horrendous news that Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion operation in the country, is providing free abortions at a mobile clinic they have set up near the DNC. Reports are that they have ended the lives of 25 innocent babies so far.

To be clear, Planned Parenthood is not the DNC, it is a separate organization. But the DNC has made it a priority for many years to make sure Planned Parenthood receives tax payer funding, so it is no surprise that the pro-abortion organization strongly supports the Democrat Party. Apparently, providing free abortions is the way they thought they could best contribute to the convention this year.

The DNC should decry such barbarism. But, of course, they have not and will not. It goes against their values which is the problem. There is a symbiotic relationship that makes Planned Parenthood’s hideous plan appropriate for this occasion.

If I was throwing a party and invited you, you wouldn’t show up with cocaine for everyone. Even if that is the way you “party” personally, you know I am not that type of person. I would not appreciate it. I would certainly push back against it, as it is incongruent with my values.

Planned Parenthood’s move should provoke a similar reaction by DNC leadership, starting with Vice President Kamala Harris.

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