Happy New Year from CWA, Our Look Ahead for 2020

Through God’s grace and the help of supporters like you, the year 2019 was full of successes. The staff of CWA is gearing up for a productive 2020!

This year, please pray for the following:

From Legal:

  • Continued success in the appointment of constitutional judges to federal courts.
  • Protections of the right of conscience and religious freedom in the Congress, the culture, and the courts.
  • Big wins at the Supreme Court on two important cases on the sanctity of human life (June Medical Services v. Gee) and preserving federal protections for women (R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes Inc. v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission).

From Legislative:

  • For the Senate to act swiftly and decisively in dispensing with the articles of impeachment against President Trump.
  • For the House to stand against abortion extremism and pass the Born Alive Abortion Survivor’s Protection Act.
  • For Congress to uphold the rights and protection of women and preserve the God-given distinctions of the sexes.
  • For the Department of Education to act favorably on CWA’s Title IX complaint against schools forcing female athletes to compete against transgender males.
  • For God’s will to be done in the 2020 election.

From International:

  • For the protection of unborn children all around the world and that strategies promoting abortion in developing countries will fail.
  • For the protection of religious freedom and the release of prisoners of religious persecution. In particular pray for the Christians in Iraq who continue to rebuild their lives after ISIS and the Uyghur Muslims in China who are forced to remain in detention camps.
  • For Godly wisdom for Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, as well as President Trump, as they interact with foreign governments and shape U.S. foreign policy.

From the Field team:

  • Increased influence and impact on pro-life and pro-family issues in our state legislatures and on our college campuses.
  • Continued growth in state-level leadership and Young Women for America college chapters.
  • Unprecedented engagement in CWA’s 2020 Get Out the Vote grassroots efforts.

Our thoughts and prayers will be with each of you as we embark upon a new year and a new decade.