Gov. Rauner Signs Illinois Tax-Payer Funded Abortion Bill Into Law!

By September 29, 2017Illinois

Gov. Bruce Rauner Breaks His Pledge to Veto Tax-Payer Funded Abortions.

HB 40, Illinois Tax-Payer Funded Abortion Bill is now the law of the land. Despite having 60 days to “consider his options,”Gov. Bruce Rauner wasted no time in breaking his pledge to the pro-life community by signing his name to this evil law. Rauner will ultimately be held accountable to God Almighty for legalizing tax-payer abortions and redefining a fetus, who is created in God’s image, as a non-human.

Thank you for the many people who lobbied and contacted Gov. Rauner to veto HB 40.  Evil has triumphed with HB 40, but we know that God’s Will will be done regarding abortion in His time and in His way.  Until then we remain steadfast to uphold the sanctity of life for the unborn. “For a man who is right with God falls seven times, and rises again, but the sinful fall in time of trouble.” (Proverbs 24:16)

 Pray that:

  • Rauner would be convicted of the reality that abortion is murder and turn from his wicked ways.
  • Pastors and Christians would rally for the life of the unborn.
  • Pro-life candidates would run for office.
  • Women who are considering abortion will make the decision to bring their babies to full term.

Take action:

  • Please forward this alert to everyone you know – especially your pastor and members of your congregation.

“LORD, rescue the unborn from abortion. Forgive us for our complacency.  We say, ‘We knew nothing about this,’ but You who weighs the heart knows everything.” (Proverbs 24:11-12)

Debbie Leininger
CWA of Illinois

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