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Steve Scalise is Back in the House!

By September 29, 2017Louisiana
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House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, U.S. Representative for Louisiana, returned to the Capitol on September 28, after being shot last June during practice for the Congressional Baseball game. He endured a very long recovery period, and we are thankful that he is back.

He delivered a speech in the U.S. House of Representatives in which he shared his appreciation for the outpouring of prayers and support for him and his family as they went through this very difficult time. He said that this outpouring gave his family the strength to get through everything that happened, but it all starts with God. Rep. Scalise shared the power of prayer which was his immediate response as he lay on the ground after being shot. He stated that since the shooting God has answered almost every prayer he prayed that day and reinforced his belief in miracles.

He thanked the United States Capitol police who he called “true angels,” specifically two officers who engaged the shooter after being shot themselves, not only saving their lives, but the lives of others. He called them his heroes. Rep. Scalise also honored a fellow representative and doctor who ran to his aid after the shooting had ceased, a man who he believes was placed on the field that day to make sure he made it to the hospital. He also honored the hospital staff who helped save his life and assisted him in learning how to walk again. He acknowledged the thousands of acts of love and kindness that came not only from people all over the country and the world, but from his colleagues — both Republican and Democrat.

Pleas pray for Rep. Scalise’s full recovery and full return to office. Pray that the prayer, love and support that he experienced throughout his ordeal will continue to be expressed among our citizens and legislators. Pray Rep. Scalise will continue to be used by God to inspire leaders throughout the world to come to know and trust the God of miracles.

Take Action! Contact Rep. Scalise’s office and express your well wishes for his return and your continued commitment to pray for him and his family.

Click here to view video.

“O Lord God of hosts, Who is mighty like You, O Lord? Your faithfulness also surrounds You.” (Psalm 89:8)

Sancha N. Smith
State Director
CWA of Louisiana

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