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GOOD NEWS Concerning The Illinois Youth Mental Health Protection Act!

By March 3, 2017Illinois
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The following is GOOD NEWS for pastors counseling adolescents with same-sex attraction.

CWA of Illinois joins Concerned Christian Americans in commending Mauck and Baker for a job well done!

“We are grateful for the faithful service of Christian attorneys who skillfully work to protect our religious freedoms. Mauck and Baker are some of the most noted attorneys in Illinois who fight to protect our churches, our religious liberties, and our personal liberties. We thank them for their faithful service, and thank God that our prayers have been answered in this particular piece of legislation!” – Dr. Robert Vanden Bosch, Illinois lobbyist, Concerned Christian Americans

Here is an excellent press release from the law firm that defended the pastors involved, Federal Judge Declares Pastors Free to Counsel Concerning Same-Sex Attraction.

Prayer:  Thank the Lord for this victory for pastors.

Take Action:  Be sure to forward this e-alert to all the Illinois pastors you know.  They need to be aware of their rights.

Debbie Leininger

State Director
CWA of Illinois

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