For America Prayer 133– A Prayer for the New Year

We face this New Year, Lord,
Through many afflictions and tribulations,
Confident of Your sovereignty and grace,
Of Your love and care for Your children.

The enemy has tried to defeat us
Through many evil schemes,
Yet he has not prevailed against us—
Indeed, he cannot.

For You are Righteous, and Altogether Lovely;
You are our Refuge and Defense.
All those who hate You and Your statutes
Will be put to shame.

We, on the other hand, never lose hope.
We shall see the salvation of the Lord,
We will behold His glory from generation to generation
And testify of Your faithfulness and goodness forevermore.

From the depths we have cried out
To the Rock of our Salvation, and
He hears us—He is quick to attend our voice,
Our supplications are never in vain.

We praise You because You hear,
Not because of our goodness.
If You would mark iniquities,
Who could stand before You?

You see us, through the Sacrifice
Of Your Son on the Cross.
By Him (by Jesus) we see You, too,
And are filled with joys unspeakable.

Therefore we wait for You with gladness,
We do not grow weary by daily news.
Our hope is secure—mercy and redemption
Will shine forth within Your people.

We commend our Year to You
In this faith—wholeheartedly,
Humbly, reverently seeking You
Above all else.
