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For America (Day 69)

By October 3, 2016Prayer
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Eternal Father,
You are from everlasting to everlasting.
You created us from our mother’s womb.
We praise You!

You are the Light of the World.
We thank You for, because of You,
We are able to see, even from the darkest
Points of our confusion.

Our hearts rejoice in the middle of uncertainty,
Unrest, violence, and chaos.
It is incomprehensible,
Yet we know it to be true.

We are strong when we are weak;
We can endure, even as we feel faint;
We are loved, while still in sin;
We live when we die.

We pause, therefore, to lay our lives,
Our families, our cities, and land,
As living sacrifices before Your throne,
That we may die to live.

We lift up our most desperate cities:
Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore,
Charlotte, Memphis, St. Louis,
Milwaukee, Cleveland, Philly and more.

May Your blessings flow in the hearts
Of each citizen there and beyond.
We pray special protection for them.
We pray for strong families and for violence to end.

We pray for justice and peace.
We pray for wisdom and understanding.
We pray for mercy and grace.
We pray for Your presence,

That we may see Truth;
That we may realize that
“Blessed are the poor in spirit”
And that “The last shall be first.”

We are comforted when we think
That nothing escapes You, O Lord.
No one gets away with anything;
We will all give an account.

Help us to care for one another,
To love one another,
To give ourselves sacrificially,
That Your salvation may be seen by all.

You still save!
You still care!
You stand at the door of our hearts,
Hoping to dine at our side.

To save us by grace is Your delight.
Help us accept this, simply, honestly,
For it is hard to believe sometimes
That it is by Your Spirit, not by our might.

It is for these things we pray,

In the name of Jesus Christ, the Eternal One,

And for Your Glory, oh Lord,


Click here for more prayers from our For America Prayer Journal.