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For America (Day 67)

By September 27, 2016Prayer
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Almighty God, Redeemer, King,
Have mercy on us, weak and heavy laden
Sinners in need of redemption and salvation,
A people bearing the scars of rebellion.

You are patient and kind, O God;
You are slow to anger and
Abounding in steadfast love.
Where would we be if it were not so?

Now grant, O Lord,
That our eyes may be opened
To the splendor and beauty
Of the straight and narrow path.

Grant us the wisdom to choose
That higher path here in America,
That we may live in peace
Through brotherly love and forgiveness.

Help us see and respect the dignity
Of every human life.
Help us to seek after righteousness,
Justice, and all that is good and true.

Give us the courage to stand up to
Our failures, and proclaim the better way,
Your way, above all else.
Give us empathy and compassion for one another.

We pray for an end to racism and apathy;
We pray against the enemy’s lies —
The snake’s, the evil one’s, the devil’s —
Fully aware that we wrestle not against flesh and blood.

We unite with Jesus in that most high prayer
That You make us one:
One church, one people,
Serving only one God.

And Holy Spirt,

Click here for more prayers from our For America Prayer Journal.