For America (Day 66)

By September 26, 2016Prayer

Wonderful, caring Father,
We beseech You,
Grant us the wisdom
You have promised to those who ask.

We stand at the door
And knock,
Confident in our faith
That You never fail to answer.

What hope!
What peace!
What comfort!
All found in Thee.

Laying down our anxieties,
Our cares,
Our doubts,
And our fears, we pray.

With the sweet song of thanksgiving,
We approach the throne of grace
Asking for Your careful intervention
In our lives and world.

We are overwhelmed by our problems;
We do not see a way out
But through the Cross
And by the blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ.

Give us the courage
To proclaim Him daily.
Give us the boldness to stand
Facing the contempt of the world.

Give us the love
To count their scorn as honor,
For to suffer in Your Name
Is a most solemn affirmation.

Blessed is He who suffers
In Your name,
Whose eyes are open to see
Beyond worldly gain.

Blessed is he who sees
The spiritual reality that undergirds
All that we see and hear.
Blessed is the nation who trusts in You above all.


Click here for more prayers from our For America Prayer Journal.