For America (Day 57)


Gracious Lord,

We come to you with hearts filled with wonder.
We praise You as the Timeless One
Who entered Time to save us from the
Eternal consequences of our own sinful actions.

We, who declared war on You through our pride;
We, who still yet strive at times to affect our own agendas;
We, who came from dust and return to that state at life’s end;
We are loved by You … though we understand it not.
We declare Your glory to the nations,
And Your compassionate mercy to all who will listen.

You are King; You are sovereign over all.
And were that all, it would be enough to require our worship,
But You are more.
You desire to elevate our lot from that of mere subjects and servants;
You seek to make us sons and daughters …
To allow us to call You “Father.”

Our … Father. …

And, oh, how like children we behave.
Forgive us, we pray, for
We obey you …
      But only when it’s convenient.
We need you …
      But we do things in our own strength.
We desire you …
      But allow other things to compete for Your place in our hearts.
We love you. …
      But not nearly enough.

Oh Lord, ignite in our hearts such a fire for You
That it consumes us.
We believe …
Help Thou our unbelief.
Teach us Your ways, oh Lord,
And let us learn to know You.
And in knowing You,
Help us to love You more.

Prepare our hearts to love our neighbor
As deeply and as selflessly
As You love us.
Let us be fully Yours,
So that those who are not
May one day be Yours as well.

In the endless and matchless Name of Your Son, Jesus, we pray,


More prayers from our prayer journal.