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For America (Day 55)

By August 20, 2015Prayer


Creator God, our Maker,
We praise You for we are
Fearfully and wonderfully made
(Unbelievably) in Your very image.

With our whole hearts, minds, souls, and strength
We thank You for Your wonderful grace.
We worship You for You are good
And worthy to be praised!

Far more valuable than the most precious stones,
Infinitely sweeter than the most pleasurable honey,
Your love for us is higher, wider, and deeper than our minds comprehend.
Nothing can separate us from Your love in Jesus Christ.

We come before You today
Asking for forgiveness and
Praying against the evil of abortion —
The faithless killing of Your unborn children.

We pray for an end to this sinful practice.
We pray against those who promote it.
We pray against the organizations that perform it,
Profiting from the exploitation of vulnerable women and even more vulnerable children.

Provide us a pathway out of our dependence on it.
Let abortion be counted among the dreadful practices of the past.
May Your Body, the Church, rise up to care for women
Who feel alone and deserted through a  pregnancy.

We pray for the day when every pregnant woman
Is loved and cared for by those around her,
Especially by the father of the child in her womb.
We pray for a rebirth of true manhood amongst the men in our land.

Open the eyes of our people to see abortion for what it is.
May the deceiving words of the enemy be revealed as the lies they are.
Let Your Spirit shine a light in the darkness of every abortion clinic.
May the walls of dismemberment, crushing, and death come tumbling down.

We pray for every child in need of the love of his mother or father.
May they encounter Your love in their need on every side.
And use us, Your Church, Your body, to bring healing
To those who are in need around us.

Fill our hearts with compassion and kindness.
Let us never grow cynical or resentful.
Take away our pride and our indifference.
Let us be more like You.

In the Holy name of Jesus, the Christ, we pray,