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For America (Day 29)

By December 15, 2014Prayer


Loving Father, we give You thanks
With a word, a song, service or poem, yea with our whole lives
We praise You, Who created everything,
You Who are from everlasting to everlasting.

We are not so;
Teach us to number our days, Lord
For we know we are here but for a moment
And like the dew in the morning, we are gone before noonday.

Give us the wisdom to seize the day,
To value every moment , every second,
Giving You the glory and honor
In every way.

Oh Lord, help us be agents of change in America.
Help us to be bold in the proclamation of Your Gospel
That we may pursue justice and peace and righteousness
In accordance to Your Word.

We pray for the many women, men and children
Enslaved by human traffickers
Oh Lord, we pray Your protection on them
We pray for the demise of their captors.

We pray for the destruction of this evil industry,
Help us to take the right measures against it,
Give wisdom to the authorities and
Give them the heart of compassion and bravery
Needed to do battle in this area.

We pray for the families of the victims,
And for the families of law enforcement,
Protect them and sustain them both, Oh Lord.
Let us be Your body to them, give us the honor of helping them.

We pray for children and families who are vulnerable
To the predatory tactics of evil men who seek to take advantage
Of the humble and weak,
You are the Lord of the humble and weak
We ask that You alert them of the dangers around them,
That You derailed the plans of the enemy.

That You allow us to stand guard for those less fortunate than us.

Give us Your compassion, Oh Lord.

Amen and Amen!