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For America (Day 115)

By February 11, 2021LBB, Prayer

Oh Lord, my God,
We have heard of Your mighty deeds of old.
How You parted the Red Sea, closed the mouths of lions;
How You send fire from heaven and won mighty battles.

We know of Your great name,
We know that trust in human strength or intellect is foolish.
We know we do not save ourselves,
Just like we did not create ourselves.

Victory is commanded by You,
Carried out by Your servants—the seen and unseen.
It is in Your name and to Your glory that history is written.
In You we boast all day.

But You lovingly allow Your judgment to reach us, too.
You let shame do its repentant work in us,
And allow us to discover the pain and solitude
Of trusting in the things of this world.

Forgive us, Oh Lord,
And be quick to come to our aid.
Restore the joy of our salvation in our hearts.
Restore the pursuit of righteousness in our land.

Help us to thirst for justice and peace,
For goodness and beauty, for what is noble and true.
Help us to seek after holiness.
Revive our churches and our communities.

We will not turn our backs on You,
We stand in Your covenant love for us.
You have broken us, and we say only, “amen.”
Thy will be done, Oh God.

You know the state of our hearts,
You know how the world hates us,
As they hated You, just as You said they would,
We are pressed on every side.

But You have promised to never leave us or forsake us.
In this we trust, arise Lord and show Your deeds again.
Let those who stand against You cower in fear.
Arise and help your people. Redeem us, for Your mercies’ sake.


Click here for more prayers from our “For America” Prayer Journal.