For America (Day 104)

Lord, we give You thanks
For the marvelous works
You have performed since the beginning.
They will forever be proclaimed!

Thank You for Your faithfulness
And patience for man in his hopeless estate.
You have shown great favor to us
In this land, and we praise You.

Those who recognize Your graceful hand
Upon those who never deserved it
Can plainly see Your mercy has been
Upon us throughout our history.

But now, we see much turmoil around the world.
Protect us and guide us through it all.
Remember Your promises and Your people.
And help us remember Your sacrificial love.

Hear the petitions of our hearts and
Answer us, according to Your will.
Help us to trust Your statutes;
Deliver us from evil.

You are holy! Enthroned in majesty.
You care for us and You are for us.
Be not far from us, Lord,
Act according to Your Sovereign grace.

Give wisdom to our leaders,
Help them fear You above all else.
Give them ears to hear and eyes to see,
Whatever is true and good and noble, lovely and admirable.

Help them to focus on these things,
To walk by the Spirit and not by sight.
To do what is right, above what is
Merely politically expedient.

Rise up a generation of the righteous among us.
Give us revival!
May a new song be heard in our Land;
A Song of the Lamb who died to set us free.


Click here for more prayers from our For America Prayer Journal.