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For America (Day 10)

By November 13, 2014Prayer


Words fail us as we try to convey our love and dependence on You, oh Precious Father.
As the Psalmist, we look up to the hills and find that our help only comes from You,
For there is none like You —

None that are truly just …
None unconditionally loving …
None who understand.

We thank You for Your grace in our lives and in our land.

We pray especially today for families.
We pray for husbands who would love their wives
As You love us — sacrificially, unexpectedly.
We pray for their reliance on You as a model.

We pray for fathers, as leaders of the home.
We pray for wisdom and love, compassion and tenderness,
As they lead their children in the path of righteousness.

We pray for eyes opened to Truth,
That they may see the true value of things,
Like time and devotion,
Self-sacrifice and charity.

We pray for wives to be loving companions,
Helpers, encouragers, and advisors.
We pray for an unbreakable bond in marriage.

We pray for mothers who love not according to the world.
Mothers who value holiness and purity
And character and kindness.

We pray for wisdom and strength to pursue
And to let go where appropriate.
We pray your peace in them.

We pray a sweet blessing on mothers and fathers
Who are raising their children without a husband or wife.
Oh, Lord, may they experience Your provision at every turn.
May they hear Your caring voice, filling every area of their lives.

We pray for children who would thirst for the One True God.
We pray an interest in the things that are from above.
We pray that no matter the situation they have been born into
They might see You above all,
That they may follow You

Let any voice calling them away from You
Be but a faint echo in the background,
And let the songs of salvation be sung in their hearts
At every moment.

Give us the compassion to help families around us.
Give us true love for one another.
May America be a place of help.
May we be Your people.
