For America (95)

foramericaprayerjournalPardon our guilt LORD, for
Our sin is great.
Teach us Your ways, for
We are humbled by Your grace.

Let our soul abide in You,
Soaking up the teachings of Your word,
Rejoicing in Your patient friendship,
And proclaiming Your covenant forever.

Restore us, for Your name’s sake.
Let justice and mercy, righteousness and love,
Be to us a balm of comfort and healing.
We are in desperate need of Your intervention.

Even as many are distressed by
Every headline (true and false),
Running on empty day by day,
Let us show there is another way.

We will point to You,
The only gracious One,
Who was, and is, and is
To come.

Help us keep our perspective;
Your Gospel is good news!
Don’t let our temporary afflictions
Cloud our judgment and stifle our joy.

All our enemies’ efforts will be for nothing;
They shall stumble at every turn,
Unless they turn to You.
Victory is already Yours, oh GOD.

Let us not be put to shame,
For we take refuge in You.
Grant us integrity in word and deed,
As we live and breathe, fight and sleep.

In Jesus’ Name, we pray,

Click here for more prayers from our For America Prayer Journal.

Mario Diaz, Esq. is CWA’s general counsel. Follow him on Twitter @mariodiazesq.