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ACTION ALERT: Expression of Faith in Virginia Schools at Risk

By February 25, 2014Virginia
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Do you believe that your child or grandchild’s faith should be left outside the public school door? No! Should not the first amendment be extended to our children? We think so, so we need your help in calling your delegate and asking him/her to support SB 236.

SB 236, patroned by Sen. Bill Carrico (R-District 40) will be heard by the entire house later this week. This bill protects the rights of public school students to express their faith at school events.

Take Action: Call your delegate now and ask him/her to support SB 236. Click here to find out who your delegate is and how to contact him/her.

Pray: Please pray and ask the Lord to enable the delegates to know the difference between right and wrong and have the courage to act upon it rightly as this bill comes before them.

In Christ,

Janet Robey
State Director
CWA of Virginia