Fight, Fight, Fight for Women’s Sports
In his first joint address of the 47th presidency, President Trump highlighted the momentous victories female athletes have achieved in their fight for fairness. While President Trump casts a vision
Democrats in Congress are determined to resurrect the Equal Rights Amendment even after a recent decision by the federal DC District Court declared ratification dead. Aggressive action is still fueling this decades-old fight, and the truth of the modern ERA agenda needs to be exposed. Our U.S. Senators need to be reminded the ERA is over.
The pro-ERA Coalition has made it clear that the ERA is no longer about equal rights for all women or about upholding the status of women as female: “While the effort to amend the constitution to include sex equality began nearly a century ago, our renewed efforts are centered on Black, Indigenous and Women of Color, gender-nonconforming and transgender women and girls, and nonbinary people– those who are most impacted by systemic inequities.”
Please join CWA in this effort! Click the action button below to email, tweet, or call your U.S. Senator and tell them the ERA is Over – VOTE NO on extending the deadline.
“It is the policy of my Administration to prevent and combat discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation, and to fully enforce Title VII and other laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation.” –President Joe Biden Executive Order, January 20, 2021
President Biden’s Executive Order on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation articulates a policy and directs action for redefining sex as gender identity in sex discrimination laws across all agencies of the federal government. President Biden specifically promotes this policy in relation to children in restrooms, locker rooms, and sports. He asserts that under Bostock reasoning, laws that prohibit sex discrimination, including Title IX a landmark women’s rights law, should re-interpret sex on the basis of perceived gender identity. This means sex discrimination will no longer be based on biological sex, male and female. President Biden fully intends to allow “gender identity” perception to neuter biological sex distinction. In effect, Biden’s policy erases the foundational civil rights protections of men and women based on biological reality. The Executive Order mandates at the federal level a radical gender ideology on our society similar to what the so-called “Equality Act” seeks to impose.
In his first joint address of the 47th presidency, President Trump highlighted the momentous victories female athletes have achieved in their fight for fairness. While President Trump casts a vision
This past Monday night, Senate Democrats blocked the opportunity for Congress to permanently protect women’s sports from men who believe they are women and desire to compete in female categories
With the stroke of a pen, President Trump did more for women’s rights than any other politician in decades. His executive order banning men from women’s sports sent a signal
Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee (CWALAC) is honored to ring in the 39th National Women and Girls in Sports Day tomorrow alongside its hundreds of thousands of members
As the National Collegiate Athletic Association convened in Nashville for its annual convention, CWA’s Doreen Denny was featured in Fox News observing that the meeting of NCAA colleges comes at
In the fresh start of the 119th Congress, we’re back in the halls of D.C. urging Congress to restore Title IX protections by passing the Protection of Women and Girls
The side of truth and common sense is winning in the gender ideology war. After years of fighting to protect women’s sports at the federal level, a bill will soon
As the year comes to a close, so does the 118th Congress and the 46th Presidency. There will be a new year, a new Congress, and a new President in
Planned Parenthood, Governer Ralph Northam, Del Kathy Tran admit their agenda