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October 26 Prayer/ Action Alert: Elections Have Consequences

By October 27, 2020Washington
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As we all know, 2020 has been an unusually challenging year, but as we continue to work through the challenges, we must remember the wise words of President George Washington spoken at his first presidential address: “Propitious Smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which Heaven itself has ordained.” Our Founders encouraged faith and wisdom among the people. We at Concerned Women for America of Washington stand in the gap to promote the same.

Elections have consequences.
We have a Scriptural mandate to be salt and light (Matthew 5:13-14). I believe that part of that mandate means that before Election Day, we do our due diligence to find out all we can about the women and men who are seeking to lead our country and our state. Equipped with that knowledge we then go and vote, and we share what we have learned with others and encourage them to vote. In the midst of all of that doing, we must be praying. We know that the Lord is sovereign over all things; we acknowledge that and ask for His grace and mercy to be poured out on our nation.

Be an informed voter on where the candidates stand on issues important to your values by visiting

CWA of Washington Leadership Opportunities:
We have several opportunities in which to engage as volunteers with CWA of Washington:

  • Do you desire to see our country radically affected through the energized efforts of prayer warriors? Consider starting a Prayer/Action Chapter in your community or forming a social media and email team to communicate CWA of Washington alerts by volunteering as a Home Team Captain.
  • Do you enjoy the legislative process and have a desire to work on family-related and pro-life issues here in Washington? Consider becoming a Legislative Liaison to coordinate our response to legislation through our state alerts, thus encouraging members to write, e-mail, call, and show up to testify on bills related to our seven core issues.

Please contact me by e-mail or phone (425-869-1923) if you have an interest in more information on joining our CWA  of Washington team.

Prayer: Please pray for the election, that God will be honored, our Constitutional rights will be protected, and that Christians will go to the polls and vote their values.

As Peter and the other apostles said, “We ought to obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5:29) Thank you for choosing to obey God rather than men and joining Concerned Women for America in promoting Judeo-Christian values throughout our culture!

In His Service,
Maureen Richardson
State Director