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April 2021 Prayer/Action Alert

By April 21, 2021Washington

“For I know the thoughts I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts
of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11 

Dear CWA of Washington Members,

I love watching Spring emerge, don’t you? As it warms up, the primroses are blooming, and the tulips and daffodils are slowly emerging. Does this renewal give you new hope? I hope so!

The 2021 Washington State legislative session is winding down, as is our Encourage-A-Legislator campaign. We thank all of you who stepped up and prayed for our legislators this session. Please continue to pray for our legislators that they might seek God’s wisdom and guidance in all that they do.

Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Washington has Prayer/Action Chapters and Home Teams around the state, but we would love to grow even more chapters! Please consider gathering like-minded women and men to pray regularly for our nation, our state, and our families. CWA is the nation’s largest women’s public policy organization, firmly based on God’s Word and principles. We welcome your participation!

After seventeen years serving as CWA of Washington’s State Director, I am stepping out of this leadership position effective April 30. And since we never retire from His work, I will staying on with CWA of Washington as a Prayer/Action Chapter Leader.

How about you? Do you feel the calling of the Lord to increase your influence and impact here in Washington State? CWA is seeking a new state director, and maybe that person is you? If you are interested in learning more about this volunteer leadership position or just have some questions, please contact the CWA’s Vice President of Field Operations, Tanya Ditty, at 1-202-488-7000 or She would love to talk with you and answer any questions you might have.

It has been such an honor to serve the Lord in the role of state director. I have met and worked with so many wonderful, God-loving people. I especially want to thank Marilyn, Jean, and Joyce for their faithful service as the Steering Committee, plus those persevering Prayer/Action Chapter and Home Team Leaders who have faithfully served in their position for many, many years. Remember, God has a future and a hope for you!

In His Service,
Maureen Richardson
State Director