CWA of Washington March 3 Action Alert – Get Involved!

By March 3, 2017Washington

Dear CWA of Washington Member,

Get involved. Stay involved.  If not you, then who?  If not now, then when?  As branches on the vine, we are to bear fruit:  “I am the vine, you are the branches.  He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.”  What are you willing and able to do to produce fruit for our LORD?  Pray?  Educate others?  Take action by assembling a group of friends to pray?  Whatever your gift, you can use it to produce fruit!

We would love for you to organize a CWA Prayer/Action Chapter, join the state Steering Committee, and/or put your faith and education into action by contacting your own state and federal legislators to express your opinion on issues of importance to our Biblical worldview.  Choose your issue, choose your role, but please get involved!


PRAY FOR THOSE BEING PERSECUTED FOR THEIR FAITH: I was disappointed recently by a speaker who claimed that Americans are not suffering any discrimination for their faith.  I wondered how he could make such a statement when Christian bakers, florists, pharmacists, and even coaches are being told right here in Washington state (as well as around this nation) that they cannot exercise their religious freedom in their public lives, particularly in their businesses or jobs.  For years, this state’s Attorney General and his office have been persecuting the Stormans in Olympia for their choice not to stock or dispense abortifacients and Barronelle Stutzman in Richmond for her polite declining to participate in a homosexual wedding by using her florist skills.  Coach Joe Kennedy was fired by the Bremerton School District for simply kneeling quietly after each football game to honor God.  Kennedy lost his job, but the Stormans and Stutzman stand to lose not only their businesses, but their entire life’s savings, in addition to the unnecessary stress caused by this government intrusion into their First Amendment right to religious liberty and the free exercise thereof.

Please stay in prayer for these courageous Christians as they fight for our religious liberty and the free exercise thereof.  There are so many more examples of this attack on Biblical principles and our Christian faith (e.g. in the military and in the public schools).  We must stay involved through prayer and in support of our fellow believers.


GREAT BILLS THAT NEED YOUR SUPPORT: In my last action alert, I listed five legislative bills that CWA of Washington supported:  HB 1003, 1011, 1178, 1243, and 1649.  Those five bills promoted our core issues of sanctity of human life, family, and religious liberty.  For the committees these bills were in, February 17 was the last day to have bills read in order to pass them out of committee and to the respective floor for a vote in the house of origin. Unfortunately, none of the five bills was acted upon and therefore will likely see no further consideration this legislative session. We thank those who contacted the committees and expressed their support of these bills.  Our hope is that they will be presented again in our 2018 legislative session.

SUPPORT JUDGE GORSUCH: At the national level CWA has announced their support of President Trump’s nomination for the U. S. Supreme Court, Judge Neil Gorsuch.  Click here for more information on this nominee and why he is a great choice.

Take Action: Click here to sign a letter to your Senator in support of Judge Gorsuch.

40 DAYS FOR LIFE CAMPAIGN:  The next 40 Days for Life campaign will take place from March 1 to April 9, 2017.  CWA of Washington wholeheartedly supports the ministry of 40 Days for Life. “40 Days for Life is a community-based campaign that takes a determined, peaceful approach to showing local communities the consequences of abortion in their own neighborhoods, for their own friends and families. It puts into action a desire to cooperate with God in the carrying out of His plan for the end of abortion.”  For more information on 40 Days for Life and where the closest location is to you, click here.

Take Action: Make plans now to participate in the March 1 – April 9 at the closest campaign location near you.

PRAYER VIGIL FOR LIFE, BELLEVUE: Another great ministry to get involved with is Prayer Vigil for Life, Bellevue. “Our goal is to encourage peaceful prayer on the sidewalk outside the Bellevue Planned Parenthood.” Click here for more information.


EAL: If you are a prayer warrior in our Encourage-A-Legislator campaign, I thank you and encourage you to keep praying and sending in those postcards!  Our legislators need all the prayers and encouragement we can give them!

Chapter Leaders: If you are a Prayer/Action Chapter Leader, I thank you and encourage you to keep educating, praying and taking action with your members.  What you do is crucial to the effectiveness of both CWA of Washington and CWA National.

To apply for a leadership position with CWA of Washington, please contact State Director Maureen Richardson through the contact information below.

Partners: If you are a contributor to CWA of Washington, I thank you and encourage you not to stop.  Your regular generous support allows us to continue to make our voices heard concerning the pro-life and pro-family issues that need addressing.

CWA of Washington does not have any paid staff, therefore insuring that all funds go to the work at hand.

Consider upping your support of CWA of Washington, or for some, contribute for the first time.  Contribute online or send us a check to the address below.  NOTE: Be sure to write the check out to “Concerned Women for America” and put “CWA of WA” on the memo line.

Thank you for being a part of Concerned Women for America of Washington!

In His Service,

Maureen Richardson
State Director
CWA of Washington
P.O. Box 143
Woodinville, WA 98072
(425) 869-1923