CWA of Washington January 16 Action Alert – Stand

By January 16, 2017Washington

“Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong” 1 Cor. 16:13

Dear CWA of Washington Member,

New Year’s greetings from CWA of Washington!  We trust you had a Christmas full of joy and wonder at God’s gift of His Son and our Savior, Christ Jesus, and that 2017 is off to a good start for you.  CWA will continue to watch, stand fast in the faith, and encourage you to do the same with courage and strength from our Almighty God.


ENCOURAGE-A-LEGISLATOR!  There is still time for you to sign up to encourage a state legislator during the 2017 Washington State Legislature’s session.  We need to pray for the governing authorities, as Paul exhorted us in 1 Timothy 2:1-3.  President Ronald Reagan said once that “if we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a Nation gone under.” Let’s help those authorities to remember the importance of the Bible to this nation’s founding, history and future.   Please click here for more details, then, consider participating in this campaign.

WASHINGTON CITIZENS bravely and strongly standing fast in the faith who need our prayer support:  The Storman Family in Olympia, Barronelle Stutzman in Richland and Coach Joe Kennedy in Bremerton.  Although the details are specific to each case, the overall principle is the same:  Denial of First Amendment rights to the practice of freedom of religion in one’s private and public life.  Please continue to pray that these and other citizens across our nation will continue to boldly stand fast and eventually win their legal cases.


STATE LEGISLATIVE SESSION HAS BEGUN: The 2017 Washington State Legislature convened on Monday, January 9.  CWA of Washington keeps an eye on bills that relate to our Seven Core Issues:  Defense of Family, Sanctity of Life, Education, Sexual Exploitation, Religious Liberty, National Sovereignty, and Support for Israel.

STAND IN THE GAP WITH US: We will inform you of any bills related to those Seven Core Issues, with the hope that you will interact with your district legislators, politely and boldly expressing your thoughts so that they can truly represent you.  One of the Scriptures that motivates me to apply Biblical principles to the culture is Ezekiel 22:30 when God looked for a man to stand in the gap before Him on behalf of the land, but found no one.  Let’s pray this is the year that Bible-based citizens are not absent, but stand in the gap.

CUTTING EDGE INFORMATION: I hope you check the national CWA website on a regular basis.  It is loaded with educational articles on cutting edge issues of importance to Bible-based citizens.

INSPIRATIONAL/MOTIVATIONAL SCRIPTURE: How better to begin this New Year than to remember God’s Word?  May this be a year of standing fast in the faith with boldness and strength.

  • “Because we have such hope, we speak with great boldness.” (2 Corinthians 16:13)
  • “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” (Galatians 6:9)
  • “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”  (Ephesians 6:10-11)


39th ANNUAL WASHINGTON STATE MARCH FOR LIFE:  Monday, January 23, 2017, at noon on the Capitol steps in Olympia.  Take a carload down with you and join this wonderful event to support innocent human life from conception to natural death.  Consider standing with CWA of Washington.  Look for our banner and join us.  Stand for the sanctity of human life by marching with thousands of others; you will be glad you did. Bring the whole family!  We strongly urge you to consider making an appointment with your legislators to express your concerns on this issue and to let them know you were at the rally. Click here to find out who your legislators are and how to contact them.

CALLING ALL LEADERS:  CWA of Washington is looking for concerned citizens to stand fast in the faith and to be brave and strong.  We are looking for leaders to join our Steering Committee as issues experts.  If you have a passion for one of our core issues, please pray about activating that passion through CWA.  Beyond our witness for the Lord Jesus Christ, our most important work is to apply our Biblical principles to our lives, starting with our own lives and families, then to the culture that surrounds us.  Since public policy controls our lives, our input as Christians is so vital, so “that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence” (I Tim 2:3).  Of course, that statement depends on our “supplications, prayers, intercessions and giving of thanks for all men, for kings and all who are in authority”  (I Tim 2:1-2).  Please click here for a Leadership Application to indicate your willingness to step out and lead.

PRAYER/ACTION CHAPTER LEADERS:  Prayer is CWA’s primary incentive, believing Paul’s exhortation in the verses quoted above.  I exhort you, along with Paul, to pray for our leaders, and a good way to do that is through a CWA Prayer/Action Chapter in your own neighborhood with friends and family.  The average number of prayer warriors in a chapter is five to six, so you can easily meet in a home or church room.  Meeting monthly for one or two hours is all you need to do.  CWA provides a monthly Prayer/Action Newsletter with national concerns and I provide updates on state concerns through e-alerts.  Please pray about this opportunity and if you are called to it, send in this application.

PARTNER WITH CWA OF WASHINGTON FINANCIALLY: Please consider making a contribution today of any amount to this ministry.  CWA of Washington is run 100 percent by volunteers so 100 percent of your tax-deductible gift goes directly to the work at hand.  Contribute online or send a check to the address below.  Write the check out to “Concerned Women for America” and put “CWA of Washington” in the memo line to insure the funds are accredited to our state activity.

Thank you for your prayers, response to our e-alerts and financial support.  You are immensely appreciated.

In His Service,

Maureen Richardson
State Director
CWA of Washington
P.O. Box 143
Woodinville, WA 98072