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CWA of Texas Recommends This Event

By October 8, 2023Texas
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Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Texas recommends attending the Wake UP! Conference hosted by Christians Engaged November 3-4 in Allen, Texas. CWA of Texas is an exhibitor at the event, and we would love for you to stop by and say hello!

The Wake Up! Conference is an opportunity for ministry and government officials to come together across denominational lines to pray, worship, educate, and inspire Christians to pray, vote, and engage regularly. The 2023 conference headliners include Hon. Michele Bachmann, U.S. Congressman Michael Cloud, Kelly Shackelford, Bunni Pounds, Billy Hallowell, Hon. Bryan Hughes, Kyle Lance Martin, Rafael Cruz, Rep. Stephanie Borowicz (Pennsylvania), Kevin Freeman, Ben Quine, Former Rep. Matt Krause, Former Rep. Scott Sanford, Pastor John Mark Caton, Kamryn Green, Pastor Kason Huddleston, and more.

Here are the event details:
Date: November 3-4, 2023
Location: Dallas/Fort Worth—Texas Cottonwood Creek Church
1015 Sam Rayburn Tollway, Allen, TX 75013 

Click here for conference times/schedule and registration information.

Click here for conference video promo. 

I hope to see you on November 3 and 4!

Jana Long
State Director