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CWA of Texas Needs Your Help to Protect Texas Pastors

By May 19, 2015Texas
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Senate Bill 2065, authored by Senator Craig Estes (R-District 30), has been dubbed the “Pastor Protection Bill” because of its intent to protect pastors and clergy from being forced to perform any marriage ceremony that goes against their sincerely-held religious beliefs. This bill has already been voted out of the Texas Senate and is currently in the Texas House. It passed out of the House State Affairs committee last week and is currently waiting in the House Calendars committee to be voted on and placed on the House Floor calendar for debate. The final day for the House Calendars Committee to place a bill on the House Calendar is Sunday.

Current challenges to people of faith to practice their sincerely-held religious beliefs, and, in view of appeals court cases, churches and pastors now must consider how to protect themselves from requests to perform ceremonies which are contrary to the doctrine and practices of their faith. This is why the passage of this bill is vitally important.

Will you stand with CWA of Texas and voice your support for Senate Bill 2065, the Pastor Protection Bill? There are several ways you can get involved to make your voice heard on this important piece of legislation. See below for action and prayer items on how you can be involved …

Action Items:

Contact the House Calendars Committee and simply ask them to “Please support Texas pastors by immediately placing SB 2065 on the House Calendar for floor debate this week.”

The House Calendars Committee:

Chairman Rep. Todd Hunter (R-District 32): 512-463-0672 /
Vice Chairman Rep. Eddie Lucio III (D-District 38): 512-463-0606 /

Rep. Roberto R. Alonzo (D-District 104): 512-463-0408 /
Rep. Byron Cook (R-District 8): 512-463-0730 /
Rep. Sarah Davis (R-District 134): 512-463-0389 /
Rep. Charlie Geren (R-District 89): 512-463-0610 /
Rep. Helen Giddings (D-District 109): 512-463-0953 /
Rep. Patricia Harless (R-District 126): 512-463-0496 /
Rep. Dan Huberty (R-District 127): 512-463-0520 /
Rep. Eric Johnson (D-District 100): 512-463-0586 /
Rep. Ken King (R-District 88): 512-463-0736 /
Rep. Lyle Larson (R-District 122): 512-463-0646 /
Rep. Four Price (R-District 87): 512-463-0470 /
Rep. Debbie Riddle (R-District 150): 512-463-0572 /
Rep. Eddie Rodriguez (D-District 51): 512-463-0674 /

Also, contact your own state representative and ask them to please vote “Yes” on SB 2065 as it is written for protection of pastors when it reaches the floor for debate. Click here and go to “Who represents me?” in the right column to find out who your representative is and their contact information.

Lastly, please pass this information on to like-minded pastors, friends, family, acquaintances, etc. immediately.

Prayer Concern: Time is running short. We desperately need this voted out of Calendars and placed on the agenda for floor debate before Sunday! Please pray that the members of the Calendars Committee would see the need to expedite the process and get SB 2065 to the floor as soon as possible. Pray also that this passes the House floor with at least 100 votes so it will go into effect as soon as Governor Abbott signs the bill.

Thank you for your resolve to reach out to these members of the House and let them know that you value Pastors religious rights in the state.