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CWA of Maine Seeks People to Testify About the Importance of Parenting in Regards to Abortion

By February 24, 2015Maine
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The 127th Legislature is holding public hearings on legislation, and LD 83 is one of high interest to Concerned Women for America of Maine, and soon to be scheduled for a hearing before the Judiciary Committee.

L.D. #83 “An Act To Strengthen the Consent Laws for Abortions Performed on Minors and Incapacitated Persons” is sponsored by Senator Paul Davis (R-Sangerville). A copy of the bill and all information regarding it at the Maine Legislature may be found here.

Minors can’t get an aspirin at school, but they can get an abortion without parental consent.

Take Action: We are seeking people to testify and advocate especially:

  • Educators
  • Those in the legal profession
  • Those in the medical profession
  • Social workers, especially those who deal with abuse issues
  • Civil servants
  • Parents/Grandparents

If you are willing to testify, know someone who is, or you are willing to just come and stand with us at the hearing, please let me know. Please e-mail me or call (207) 465-6015. Christians need to show up, stand up and speak up, and this is your opportunity to right this wrong in Maine. Won’t you join me and be passionate about the things about which God cares.

Penny Morrell
State Director