CWA of Louisiana stands with President Donald J. Trump’s Choice of Brett Kavanaugh

By July 23, 2018Louisiana

Dear friend,

CWA of Louisiana stands with President Donald J. Trump’s choice of Brett Kavanaugh as his nominee to fill Justice Anthony Kennedy’s vacancy at the United States Supreme Court! 

Penny Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America, issued the following statement:

“This is an historic moment for the United States. This is why conservative women voted overwhelmingly for Donald J. Trump – to ensure that a proper constitutional balance is restored to our nation’s highest court. President Trump made a promise to the American people and, just as with the confirmation of Justice Neil Gorsuch, he is delivering on that promise. Judge Brett Kavanaugh is abundantly qualified to sit on the bench of the United States Supreme Court. He is among the best and brightest jurists on the appellate courts with a reputation of being fair and impartial in his decisions. Judge Kavanaugh is known as a judge who respects the Constitution as written, refusing to legislate from the bench. This is what we need at this time on the U.S. Supreme Court.”

Concerned Women for America of Louisiana stands with our CEO in support of our president and Judge Kavanaugh. Through prayer and action we will fight the good fight of faith against any and all attacks designed to stop the will of God from being fulfilled in this historic time. As Penny also stated, “This is not just about us; this is about our children and their children. This is about the future of this nation for generations to come, and we plan on giving everything we have in order to leave them a Supreme Court that will protect their liberties and uphold our Constitution.” Our leadership in Washington, DC has done their homework and has deemed Judge Kavanaugh an outstanding choice.

Please Pray: 1) for God to give CWA and the many who stand with them wisdom to effectively address the opposition; 2) that the U.S. Senate will confirm him expeditiously; 3) that Judge Kavanaugh will fulfill his role as another great justice, defending families and protecting the lives of our children.

Please Take Action:

  1. Email your U.S. Senators and let them know that you support Judge Kavanaugh as your choice for Supreme Court Justice.  Ask them how they plan to vote.  Be sure to let them know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Louisiana.  Click here to easily email your Senators.  Fill in the column on the right.
  2. If time allows please call and write them as well.
  • Senator Bill Cassidy (R): (202) 224-5824, 520 Hart SOB, Washington, DC 20510
  • John Kennedy (R): (202) 224-4623, SR 383, Russell Senate Building, Washington, DC 20510
  1. Forward this onto others and encourage them to not miss out on this opportunity to both pray and act during this time in American history.
    “The heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord, like rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.”

(Proverbs 21:1).

Click here for more information on the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh.

If you desire to help us continue our mission to establish God’s righteousness in Louisiana state government, please go to and click on the donate button. You may also send your contribution directly to P.O Box 2446, Opelousas, LA 70571.


Sancha Noel Smith
State Director
CWA of Louisiana