CWA of Iowa Praying for Peace and Israel’s Elections

By March 16, 2015Iowa

Concerned Women for America has placed Israel and her sovereignty as a nation as one of our core issues. Several CWA of Iowa members have taken the instruction of Genesis 12:3 to heart. State Outreach Coordinator Denise Bubeck and Grassroots Coordinator Diana Cummins-Bates have faithfully attended the annual American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Conference in D.C. since 2013; Denise now serves on their National Council.

This year, I was able to join Denise and Diana for the AIPAC conference. It was an honor to hear from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday as he addressed 17,000 conference delegates and then to watch the prime minister’s speech on March 3 from U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley’s (R-Iowa) conference room. America has not seen so brave a leader in decades. Netanyahu is a compassionate warrior prepared to protect his people while working for peace at every level. His words were concise and spoken with great clarity. His leadership, courage and conviction are evident. With kind greetings, he blessed those who had treated him coldly. When America should be Israel’s closest ally, it’s unfortunate that many in our own Administration and Congress have shrunk back when they should be standing tall. If you haven’t yet watched the speech, I highly recommend you take time out to do so.

Tomorrow marks a critical election for Israel. As the prime minister said so well, “America prays for security; Israel for survival.” It is most unfortunate that political operatives from this country are said to be working against the prime minister’s re-election in Israel.

Please pray for peace in Jerusalem and for God’s protection over her land and her people. Pray that the God of Moses, Abraham, and Isaac would be honored in their laws and the revelations of the full Word of God would become apparent. There are no surprises on God’s Day Planner, and we know He holds their future in His hand. Pray He would foil the plans of the enemy and offer His mercy to a hurting people all across the Middle East that they might know Him.

On a slightly different note we need to put pressure on Congress to ensure that the Obama Administration is negotiating a “good” deal with Iran regarding its nuclear capabilities. The implications of a “bad” deal would be destructive to the world, especially our ally Israel. CWA’s Senate Legislative Director, Alexandria Paolozzi, has been working on moving Sen. Corker’s (R-Tennessee) Congressional approval bill, S. 615, forward for a vote. This week the Administration has said it will take the “deal” to the United Nations instead of Congress. If Congress is circumvented and the Administration partners instead with the U.N., the implications on U.S. sovereignty will be detrimental. Please read more about this and what you can do to help.