CWA of Illinois Holds Second of Its “Issues in Focus” Series – Why Christians Should Support Israel

By June 29, 2015Illinois

IL Issues Israel

Tony & Laura Invergo, Illinois representatives for Bridges for Peace, addressed “Why Christians Should Support Israel” at the 2nd CWA of Illinois “Issues in Focus” series. Attendees dined on Matzo Ball Soup, challah bread, fresh fruit, and Israeli honey cookies at the June 16 gathering.

Laura Invergo traced the Biblical history of Abraham and the Godly principals instituted by the Jewish people which ultimately influenced the foundations of the U.S. Constitution. These foundations of freedom has made America the greatest nation on earth.

Bridges for Peace (BFP) was founded in 1976 as a ministry of hope and reconciliation. Through programs both in Israel and worldwide, BFP gives Christians the opportunity to actively express their Biblical responsibility before God to be faithful to Israel and the Jewish community.

“The CWA of Illinois ‘Issues in Focus’ series features the seven core values of our organization: family, sanctity of human life, religious liberty, education, sexual exploitation, national sovereignty and support for Israel,” says State Director Debbie Leininger. “My hope is that CWA of Illinois Prayer/Action Chapters and Home Team Captains will host ‘Issues in Focus’ programs throughout the state. We must reignite the passion for American freedom through prayer, education, and action before it is too late.”