CWA of Illinois Supports Illinois Call to Prayer Day

By February 13, 2015Illinois

Prayer Caucus

Members of CWA of Illinois attended the Illinois Call to Prayer Day hosted by the Illinois Legislative Prayer Caucus at the Illinois Capitol Rotunda on February 5, 2015.  The Illinois Legislative Prayer Caucus is a bi-partisan group of state legislators united to defend America’s right to trust in God.  Legislators signed a Call to Prayer Proclamation and re-affirmed our national motto, “In God We Trust.” State Senators Sam McCann and Tim Bivins were co-chairmen of the event.  Illinois Director of the Congressional Prayer Caucus  Delbra Pratt is also a participant in CWA’s Encourage-A-Legislator program.

CWA of Illinois State Director Debbie Leininger commented, “The Bible says, ‘Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.’ (Psalm 33:12) I am thankful we have Illinois legislators who realize the providence of God upon America and are humble enough to seek His counsel and direction in the affairs of the Illinois legislature.Deb Lieninger and Dave Smith0205151204IMG_2587