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CWA of Hawaii Stands Up to Physician-Assisted Suicide Bill – Join Us!

By February 26, 2018Hawaii
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“…And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them.” – Psalm 139:16

 You can call it “death with dignity,” “medical aid in dying” or “informed healthcare decision”, but suicide is still suicide no matter how you spin it!

As expected, physician-assisted suicide (PAS) has raised its ugly head again this legislative session. This emotionally-charged issue continues to draw heated support and opposition in Hawaii. However, statistics from states that have legalized PAS show the terrible unintended consequences Hawaii can expect to experience if it follows suit.  Here are just some of our concerns:

  • The individual could be given the prescription due to a misjudgment or an error in the diagnosis of their disability or illness.
  • Oregon, the first state to legalize assisted suicide, provides the most complete data available on the practice of assisted suicide in the United States. Oregon reports that individuals primarily choose assisted suicide because of reasons related to a disability and very little to do with pain management. The primary concerns center around having a disability: losing autonomy (92%), being less able to engage in activities making life enjoyable (90%), and losing dignity (79%). Fear of inadequate pain control is one of patients’ least cited reasons.
  • Modern medicine has made significant advances in pain control. Doctors now have a range of options to treat pain in terminally ill patients, including even palliative sedation as a last resort.
  • PAS increases overall suicide rates, lethal addictive drugs go unused, and mental health issues are ignored.

For more facts and statistics, go to

Status: The senate companion bill SB1129 was deferred last year but re-referred this session as HB2739 to the House Committees on Health & Human Services and on Judiciary. It is now scheduled to be heard in both committees tomorrow, February 27Click here to read the bill and to track its status.

Now more than ever, each committee member needs to hear a message loud and clear from the citizens of Hawaii that we do not support this deadly pro-suicide bill. 

Please Take Action Now:

Contact members of both committees and ask them to vote NO on HB2739. Email each committee member and then give them a call. Feel free to call and leave a message after hours tonight if needed. Be sure to let them know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Hawaii.

House Committee on Health & Human Services:
Chair Rep. John Mizuno, (808) 586-6050,
Vice Chair Rep. Bertrand Kobayashi, (808)586-6310,
Rep. Della Au Belatti, (808) 586-9425,
Rep. Lei Learmont, (808) 586-6700,
Rep. Andria Tupola, (808) 586-8465,

House Committee on Judiciary:
Chair Rep. Scott Nishimoto, (808) 586-8515,
Vice Chair Rep. Joy San Buenaventura, (808) 586-6530,
Rep. Tom Brower, (808) 586-8520,
Rep. Chris Lee, (808) 586-9450,
Rep. Dee Morikawa, (808) 586-6280,
Rep. Bob McDermott, (808) 586-9730,
Rep. Gregg Takayama, (808) 586-6340,
Rep. Cynthia Thielen, (808) 586-6480,

Please Pray: Pray for each of the committee members as you contact them. Pray that HB 2739 will fail in both of these committees.

Though there are many sound academic reasons to oppose physician-assisted suicide, as believers, the most important reason is because God, and God alone, is the author of life. We cannot take on the role of God and take life based on our inconsistent judgment.

We don’t understand why God allows pain and suffering, but we know God is good; God is love, and His ways are higher than ours. God has appointed a time for each of us to be born and to die. He is with us in all things and has a purpose for every situation that comes our way. God has a plan for each and every one of us.

For Life!

Barbara Ferraro

State Director
CWA of Hawaii
P.O. Box 10732
Hilo, I 96721

Wilma Youtz
Legislative Liaison
CWA of Hawaii