CWA LAC’s Actions on Iran and U.S. targeted killing of Soleimani

Concerned Women for America has been busy these last eight days to keep you updated and your voice heard in the midst of the targeted killing of Qassem Soleimani and subsequent events. Here are highlights of the work we have done this week to cover this momentous event.

Talking Points

On Friday, January 3, we sent out briefing points to ensure you had a detailed explanation of the targeted killing of Soleimani and the context surrounding these events. Realizing this is a significant moment in history, we want to make sure you have real-time knowledge of what’s happening and what it means for the United States and your family.


CWA International hosted a briefing Tuesday, January 9, with The Heritage Foundation’s Senior Research Fellow on the Middle East, Jim Phillips, for our staff, state leaders, and supporters. Jim gave us an in-depth presentation on Soleimani, Iran’s threat to the United States, their low-intensity war of terror led by Soleimani, Iran’s history of aggression, the threat to Israel and the impact of the death of Soleimani on all of the above. Check out Jim’s article in the Daily Signal for some of his insights on the situation: “How US Strike Against Iranian General Changes Rules of Game in Iraq, Region.”

Hill Letter

CWALAC sent a letter to the House opposing Thursday’s vote on H. Con. Res. 83, the war powers resolution seeking to undermine the President’s ability to react in a timely manner to protect American personnel and facilities and downplay the immediacy of the threat presented by Soleimani. It is important to note a concurrent resolution, like this one, is non-binding—this bill is nothing more than a pseudo-press release by House Democrats. Unfortunately, this bill passed, largely along party lines 224-194, with eight Democrats opposing and three Republicans supporting. One of the Republicans supporting, Rep. Mat Gaetz (R-Florida), said he supported the strike on Soleimani but feels Congress should be consulted for any further action.

(Here is a great article on this resolution and the War Powers Authorization in context of recent events with Iran)