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CWA Encourages Attendance at the May 15 Pottstown Event with Speaker Lt. Gen Jerry Boykin.

By May 6, 2015Pennsylvania
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Lieutenant General Jerry Boykin is often seen on Fox News and heard on Christian Radio shows. He is currently Executive Vice President of Family Research Council in Washington, D.C. and is involved with Kingdom Warriors. He is scheduled to speak at Coventry Christian Church in Pottstown on Friday, May 15, 2015.

Coventry Christian Schools
699 N. Pleasantview Road
Pottstown, PA 19464

Time – 7:00 p.m.
Cost – $25

Though this is not a CWA event, we highly encourage you to attend. Area Prayer/Action Chapter Leader Christine Gordon has played a key role in putting this event together. “Come out and hear this experienced military general and pastor speak of world events as they are currently unfolding. Lt Boykin is well versed on Islam and the dangers we face as a Judeo-Christian nation. He is not one to mince words. His resume is very impressive.”

Click here for more information and to RSVP. Questions? Call Christine at 610-587-9917.

Please forward this information on to like-minded individuals you know in the Pottstown area. Thank you!