Cover North Dakota’s Heartbeat Bill and the Month’s Pro-Life Events in Prayer! Then, Take Action! And Never Cease Praising God!

By January 15, 2016North Dakota

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Let’s welcome in the New Year with prayer, action and praise!   How exciting to know we reach the throne of El Elyon, “God Most High”, when we pray and offer up praise and that He is with us as we seek to protect those created in His image.


  • Pray for the Rally for Life Bismarck event to be held this Sunday on the steps of our State Capitol put on by North Dakota Right to Life.
  • Pray for the March for Life event in Washington, D.C., on January 22 and pro-life events around the country being held throughout the month.
  • Pray for Concerned Women for America and Young Women for America as they put on the Pro-Life is Pro-Woman Brunch and Lobby Day to coincide with the March for Life.  Janne Myrdal, our State Director of Media will be there!  Pray for the lobbying our ladies will be doing in the halls of Congress that day and that government leaders see the light of God’s truth about life!
  • Prayer request from Ron Fisher, Esq.:

As many of you know, I have been representing the State of North Dakota in a lawsuit challenging a law passed by the 2013 legislature which prohibits an abortion after the heartbeat of the unborn child is detected. That usually occurs about 6 weeks after conception. The abortionists in Fargo brought a federal court lawsuit challenging that law. Both the North Dakota federal district court and the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals have said that the North Dakota law is unconstitutional based upon current US Supreme Court jurisprudence.

We recently received word that all of the justices of the Supreme Court will be meeting in a private conference on Friday, January 22, 2016, to consider North Dakota’s petition. That happens to be the exact date, 43 years ago, that the Supreme Court instituted legal abortion by deciding Roe v. Wade. So we should know shortly thereafter whether the Court will agree to hear the case and reach a decision by the end of June.

 Take Action:

  • CWA of North Dakota strongly encourages you to attend the Rally for Life Bismarck if at all possible.

Rally for Life Bismarck – Sunday, January 17 – State Capitol steps – 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. – Click here for more information.

  •  Pass this e-information on to friends, family and your pastor today.

Praise God!  Isn’t it true, we can never praise God enough?  I’ve heard it said there aren’t enough lifetimes we could live to adequately give God the He deserves!  Today, we trust the “God Most High” who will never vacate His high throne.

“Oh Lord, our Lord, How excellent is Your name in all the earth,
You have set Your glory above the heavens!
Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants
You have ordained strength
Because of Your enemies,
That You may silence the enemy and the avenger.”
Psalm 8: 1, 2