Common Core Action Items: Postcard Campaign (by January 10) and Rally (February 4 – State Capitol)

By December 30, 2013Georgia

Happy New Year!

Over the past year, Georgian’s have repeatedly sent a very strong message to Gov. Deal that we want out of the Common Core initiative and do not want entangled in any more federal education grants and all their accompanying mandates. Well, once again the Governor has turned a deaf ear to concerned parents and citizens and has chosen to side with the federal government by applying for and receiving a $51 million federal education grant from the Obama administration.

The time to act is NOW!
The fight over the Common Core is about to heat up with the start of Georgia’s legislative session that begins Monday, January 13, 2014. The Common Core withdraw legislation will be front and center, and we want to send Gov. Deal and our state legislators a message that Georgians want no part of a federally-controlled education system. We want them to understand that Georgians want the control of education returned back to the citizens of this state.

Here is what you can do:
Participate in the Stop the Common Core postcard campaign
Concerned Georgia parent Sonja Gaither designed a postcard that we are going to use to send to Gov. Deal. Our goal is to send postcards to Gov. Deal with a delivery date as close to January 13, 2014, as possible. Reply back to this e-mail with your mailing address, and we will send you a postcard(s) to mail. We are asking everyone to mail their postcard to Gov. Deal no later than January 10, 2014, so please reply ASAP if you wish to participate.

Attend the Stop the Common Core rally, Tuesday, February 4
We need to pack the State Capitol, so please save the date and plan to attend the rally. We are planning lobbying opportunities that will conclude with a 2:00 p.m. press conference. Additional details to follow.

Attend the Confronting the Common Core panel event, January 13, in Gainesville
If you live in or around Gainesville, please plan to attend the FREE event. Click here for more information and to register.

Stay engage and informed on the Common Core
Go to for the latest news and updates on the fight to regain educational sovereignty in our state.

Thank you for being involved in this critical issue.

The postcard campaign, rally and panel event are possible only through the generous donations of people like you. Click here if you would like to donate toward stopping the Common Core in Georgia.

For Freedom!

Tanya Ditty
State Director