News and EventsPress Releases Bill Kristol, Reuven Azar, and Benham Brothers Confirmed to Speak at “Stand with Israel” Rally WASHINGTON, D.C.— Concerned Women for America and America Takes Action, Gov. Mike Huckabee's organization, are…Crystal GoodremoteSeptember 17, 2014
News and EventsPress Releases GAO Report: ObamaCare Includes Taxpayer-Funded Abortion WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, the Government Accountability Office (GAO), an independent watchdog agency, released a…Crystal GoodremoteSeptember 16, 2014
News and EventsPress Releases CWA Responds to DNC Chair Accusing Republican Gov. Scott Walker of Giving Women “The Back of His Hand” "Nance: Debbie Wasserman Schultz owes an apology to all victims of abuse." WASHINGTON, D.C. -…Crystal GoodremoteSeptember 4, 2014
Press ReleasesSanctity of Life Pro-life Groups Launch Multistate Summer of Life Campaign for 5-Month Abortion Limit Washington, D.C. - Today, the national pro-life groups Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee,…CWALAC StaffAugust 21, 2014
News and EventsPress Releases Sen. Marco Rubio, Dr. Russell Moore, Penny Nance to Host Discussion on Upward Mobility in America FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 17, 2014 MEDIA CONTACT: Alison Howard 202-266-4816 MEDIA ADVISORY Sen.…Rachel TaylorJuly 17, 2014
News and EventsPress ReleasesReligious Liberty CWA Applauds the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby Decision FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 30, 2014 MEDIA CONTACT: Alison Howard 202-266-4816 PRESS RELEASE Concerned…Rachel TaylorJune 30, 2014
News and EventsPress ReleasesReligious Liberty CWA Applauds the Release of Sudanese Mom Sentenced to Die for Christian Faith FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 23, 2014 MEDIA CONTACT: Alison Howard 202-266-4816 PRESS RELEASE CWA…Rachel TaylorJune 23, 2014
Defense of FamilyNews and EventsPress Releases President Will Sign Executive Order on LGBTQ Employees in the Workplace FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 16, 2014 MEDIA CONTACT: Alison Howard 202-266-4816 PRESS RELEASE White…Rachel TaylorJune 16, 2014
News and EventsPress Releases USC Upstate Cuts Women’s and Gender Studies Program to Teach Constitution FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 20, 2014 MEDIA CONTACT: Alison Howard 202-266-4816 PRESS RELEASE USC…CWALAC StaffMay 20, 2014
News and EventsPress Releases Members of the Senate Calling for a Vote on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 13, 2014 MEDIA CONTACT: Alison Howard 202-266-4816 PRESS RELEASE CWALAC…Rachel TaylorMay 13, 2014
News and EventsPress Releases CWA Applauds the Supreme Court’s Legislative Prayer Decision FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 5, 2014 MEDIA CONTACT: Alison Howard 202-266-4816 PRESS RELEASE Concerned…Rachel TaylorMay 5, 2014
News and EventsNorth DakotaPress Releases Judge Voids North Dakota ‘Heartbeat’ Abortion Law FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 17, 2014 MEDIA CONTACT: Alison Howard 202-266-4816 PRESS RELEASE Judge…Rachel TaylorApril 17, 2014
News and EventsPress Releases CWA Disappointed Supreme Court Won’t Hear Elane Photography Case FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 7, 2014 MEDIA CONTACT: Alison Howard 202-266-4816 PRESS RELEASE CWA…Rachel TaylorApril 7, 2014
News and EventsPress Releases Iran Names 1979 U.S. Embassy Hostage-Taker Its UN Envoy FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 1, 2014 MEDIA CONTACT: Alison Howard 202-266-4816 PRESS RELEASE Iran…Rachel TaylorApril 1, 2014
LegalNews and EventsPress Releases CWA Stands With the Little Sisters of the Poor FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 3, 2014 MEDIA CONTACT: Alison Howard 202-266-4816 PRESS RELEASE Concerned…Rachel TaylorMarch 3, 2014
News and EventsPress Releases CWALAC Applauds House Effort to Stop IRS Proposed Rules FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 26, 2014 MEDIA CONTACT: Alison Howard 202-266-4816 PRESS RELEASE CWALAC…Rachel TaylorFebruary 26, 2014
News and EventsPress Releases House of Representatives Votes to Stop Taxpayer Funding of Abortion FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 29, 2014 MEDIA CONTACT: Alison Howard 202-266-4816 PRESS RELEASE House…Rachel TaylorJanuary 29, 2014
News and EventsPress Releases Supreme Court Order A Win for Religious Liberty FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: MEDIA CONTACT: Alison Howard 202-266-4816 PRESS RELEASE Supreme Court Order A…CWALAC StaffJanuary 26, 2014
News and EventsPress ReleasesVirginia CWA and CWA of Virginia on Virginia Attorney General’s Betrayal to Marriage FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: MEDIA CONTACT: Alison Howard 202-266-4816 PRESS RELEASE Herring Betrays Virginians WASHINGTON,…CWALAC StaffJanuary 24, 2014
News and EventsPress Releases CWA Responds to War on Women Comments FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: MEDIA CONTACT: Alison Howard 202-266-4816 PRESS RELEASE Concerned Women for America…CWALAC StaffJanuary 23, 2014