North Dakota 2011 Legislative Session – – North Dakota Senate Leadership Bails Out on Life Vote on HB1450 When the dust is settled on this, we will see clearly who takes their elected…CWALAC StaffApril 9, 2011
North Dakota 2011 Legislative Session – – Good news: Pro-Life Bill HB 1297 Gets “Do Pass” Vote in ND Senate The North Dakota Senate passed an amended that will strengthen the regulation of abortion in…CWALAC StaffApril 9, 2011
North Dakota Urgent Pro-Life Legislative Alert Two pro-life bills need your action today!CWALAC StaffApril 4, 2011
North Dakota North Dakota Department of Public Instruction Cancels Planned Parenthood Event Thank you for your response to the Planned Parenthood event! Read about it.CWALAC StaffApril 4, 2011
North Dakota North Dakota DPI Co-Sponsors Event With Planned Parenthood A North Dakota issue that must be addressed - TODAY!CWALAC StaffMarch 28, 2011
North Dakota CWA of North Dakota Legislative Update – March 28, 2011 Stay informed!CWALAC StaffMarch 28, 2011
North Dakota Legislative Action Alert There are two state bills that need your immediate action on behalf of the unborn.CWALAC StaffMarch 18, 2011
North Dakota Lawmakers Seek to Defund the Abortion Industry The fact that our tax dollars fund the taking of the lives of innocent unborn…CWALAC StaffFebruary 26, 2011
North Dakota Call Your Representatives and Ask Them to Support Both House Bill 1297 and House Bill 1450 Take action today! We make it easy!CWALAC StaffFebruary 11, 2011
National SovereigntyNorth Dakota America Wins, Despite the Room Noise America's deep awareness of the value of life and liberty has once again been stirred…CWALAC StaffJanuary 11, 2011
North Dakota State Director Testifies Against “Hate Crimes” and “Sexual Orientation” at the State Capitol Janne Myrdal testifies in Bismarck before the Senate Judiciary Committee on January 5, 2011. Read…CWALAC StaffJanuary 6, 2011
North Dakota Urgent CWA of North Dakota Alert The ND legislative session starts tomorrow, January 4. First of all, may I ask all…CWALAC StaffJanuary 3, 2011
National SovereigntyNorth Dakota Thoughts on this Grand Liberty We Enjoy How can you believe and fight for "America the Beautiful" if you cannot even honor…CWALAC StaffJanuary 3, 2011
North DakotaSanctity of Life Abortion Clinic Health Violations in North Dakota It was recently discovered that one of two doctors performing abortions at the Red River…CWALAC StaffDecember 2, 2010
North Dakota November 30 Update on North Dakota Abortion License Expiration Case Urge Atterney General Wayne Stenehjem and County States Attorney Birch Burdick to review the case…CWALAC StaffNovember 30, 2010
North Dakota CWA of North Dakota Exposes the States Attorney of Cass County’s Faulty Decision to Not Prosecute Dr. Thorndike for Performing Illegal Abortions Listen to recording from "We the people" with Chris Berg, AM1100, the Flag.CWALAC StaffNovember 18, 2010
North Dakota States Attorney Allows Illegal Abortions – Refuses to enforce law and puts women at risk CWA National puts out press release.CWALAC StaffNovember 18, 2010
North Dakota North Dakota Law Ignored By States Attorney Decision Concerning Abortionist Practicing Without A License! Listen to recording of Janne Myrdal on AM 1100, Scott Hennen's Common Sense Club from…CWALAC StaffNovember 17, 2010
North Dakota Fargo Abortionist Possibly Practicing Without License CWA of North Dakota pushes for legal action against North Dakota's only abortion provider, Red…CWALAC StaffNovember 10, 2010
North Dakota Rockin’ The Pro-Life Vote in November Janne Myrdal interviewed on Edgy Conservative on blogtalkradio.CWALAC StaffOctober 15, 2010