North Dakota Make your first step to promote the human life amendment Dear Friends, I am pleased to announce that a broad-based coalition of organizations and community…State StaffMarch 7, 2014
North Dakota Broad-based Coalition Forms To Pass North Dakota Human Life Amendment February 11, 2014 Press Release.State StaffFebruary 11, 2014
North Dakota Sad, utilitarian view of law, life Letter to the Editor in Fargo Forum by member. "In The Forum’s Jan. 28 editorial,…State StaffFebruary 10, 2014
North Dakota A focus on cost is sad Letter to the Editor in Fargo Forum by State Director. "I am saddened by your…State StaffFebruary 10, 2014
North Dakota North Dakota: at the Forefront of National Pro-life Legislation State Director Janne Myrdal's article posted on American Thinker. Read now.State StaffJanuary 21, 2014
North Dakota Some Thoughts for the New Year Walking in the dark to the barn to do chores, I reveled in the quiet…State StaffDecember 30, 2013
North Dakota CWA of North Dakota 2013 Winter Newsletter Now Available! View newsletter now!State StaffDecember 17, 2013
North Dakota Watchmen Seeking God's heart is listening to His voice and refusing to be quiet when we…CWALAC StaffNovember 6, 2013
North Dakota January 9: State Director, Janne Myrdal on AM1100 The Flag Myrdal highlights Human Life Amendment and Federal Ban on Abortion After 20 Weeks. Listen now!State StaffOctober 28, 2013
North Dakota 40 Days for Life – Fargo – September 25 – November 3 CWA of North Dakota highly recommends this ministry. 40 Days for Life is a focused…CWALAC StaffSeptember 25, 2013
North Dakota In Front of my Enemies As Christians we are to live among our enemies.CWALAC StaffSeptember 20, 2013
North Dakota The People of North Dakota vs. the Judges The people want women and the unborn protected from the predatory practices of abortionists, and…CWALAC StaffJuly 23, 2013
North Dakota Judge Corwin’s Pro-Abortion Ruling Will Be Overturned CWA of North Dakota responds.CWALAC StaffJuly 17, 2013
North Dakota CWA Of North Dakota Responds to Lawsuits Filed Today Against The State’s Ban on Abortions Today, the Red River Women's abortion facility in Fargo filed lawsuit against North Dakota's ban…CWALAC StaffJuly 15, 2013
North Dakota Did CWA of North Dakota Blow the Whistle on Abortion Supporting Businesses in Fargo? Actually, no, Red River Women's Clinic Facebook page did.CWALAC StaffJune 27, 2013
North Dakota Judge Corwin Cannot Be Trusted How can the people of North Dakota feel that their concerns are being heard by…CWALAC StaffJune 25, 2013
North Dakota State Director was Honored to Share With Her Birth Land the Truth about LIFE! View Interview on NRK TV Hopefully Norway will have people who will be willing to do the same for little…CWALAC StaffJune 24, 2013
North Dakota North Dakota Abortion Providers Hold “Fundraiser” Supported By Local Businesses Who on earth would support a fundraiser for a business that kills children and hurts…CWALAC StaffJune 21, 2013
North Dakota Hundreds Gather on State Capitol Steps to Thank Legislators, Gov. Dalrymple State Director quoted on page 8 of NewEarth by the Catholic Diocese of Fargo.CWALAC StaffMay 29, 2013
North Dakota Respect Life Victory is a Victory for Our Children, Nation State Director mentioned on page 3 ofCWALAC StaffMay 29, 2013