North Dakota Janne Myrdal on the Scott Hennen Show A response to those outraged about the abortion photos lining Fargo streets recently.CWALAC StaffMay 8, 2012
Ohio The Clock Is Ticking! 26,000 Ohio Lives A Year Are On The Line! The pro-life Heartbeat Bill (H.B.125)will prohibit 90-95% of abortions in the state. BUT first the…CWALAC StaffMay 8, 2012
Hawaii Conducting a Voter Registration Drive at Your Church Learn how with our step by step guide.CWALAC StaffMay 7, 2012
Defense of FamilyPress Releases The Statement of Penny Nance Regarding the Paycheck Fairness Act Congress is about to make a bad situation worse. Women are likely to face more…CWALAC StaffMay 4, 2012
Iowa ReFuel America Events by American’s for Prosperity CWA of Iowa commends these two outstanding events to its members.CWALAC StaffMay 3, 2012
North Carolina Pastor’s Resolve Solidified at CWA’s STAND STRONG TOGETHER Conference "I have a responsibility to vote and to influence my culture with the biblical values…CWALAC StaffMay 3, 2012
Sanctity of Life U.S. Leaves Chen in Limbo It appears that the assurances of Mr. Chen's safety and that of his family are…CWALAC StaffMay 3, 2012
Texas CWA of Texas May Newsletter Important information in this issue: Propositions that will appear on party primary ballots on May…CWALAC StaffMay 2, 2012
North Carolina CWA of North Carolina Signs Resolution in Support of the Marriage Amendment We will not compromise on this issue.CWALAC StaffMay 2, 2012
LegalNational Sovereignty Anti-Christian Bullying Not Part of “Anti-Bullying” Efforts In a very telling display of classic bullying, homosexual activist Dan Savage attacked Christians (or…CWALAC StaffApril 30, 2012
National Sovereignty Prayer in the People’s House National Day of Prayer activities, May 8 marks George Washington's 223rd inaugural anniversary as President…CWALAC StaffApril 30, 2012
Maine April 24 U.S. Senate Candidate Forum a Great Success! Listen to audio and view pictures of the event. Listen as the candidates lay out…CWALAC StaffApril 30, 2012
Defense of Family Elitism of the Left Penn State had to do mathematical gymnastics to decide that the hard-working families who shop…CWALAC StaffApril 30, 2012
North Carolina Did You Miss the March 31 STAND STRONG TOGETHER Conference? No worries! Listen to it!CWALAC StaffApril 26, 2012
North Carolina CWA of North Carolina April/May Report Get ready to be informed and inspired! Check it out!CWALAC StaffApril 26, 2012
National Sovereignty Combating Sharia Law Islamic News Agencies recently targeted the Thomas More Law Center for denouncing Sharia Law.CWALAC StaffApril 26, 2012
North Carolina Marriage Amendment Action Sheet Find out how to take action to support the Marriage Amendment.CWALAC StaffApril 26, 2012
BlogDefense of FamilySanctity of Life The Feared “Paradox” Where are the liberal women rallying in support around the women hung, raped, and tortured…CWALAC StaffApril 25, 2012
California El Centro Event – Preserving Freedom – A Great Success! Our Sharia Law Seminar was outstanding!CWALAC StaffApril 25, 2012
Washington 4-24-12 CWA E-Alert:The plans of men or the wisdom of God? ACTION ALERT April 24, 2012 The plans of men or the wisdom of God? Dear…CWALAC StaffApril 24, 2012