BlogNews and Events NFL’s Michael Sam and Our Response as Christians I’m sure your newsfeed was flooded with recent articles and photos displaying the infamous Michael…Rachel TaylorMay 21, 2014
New Hampshire New Hampshire Senate Voting to Quash Free Speech The New Hampshire House voted on May 15 to establish a 25-foot buffer zone around…State StaffMay 21, 2014
LAC Hot Topics/AlertsLegalNews and Events CWALAC Barron Opposition Letter Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee (CWALAC) and its more than half a million…Alexandria PaolozziMay 21, 2014
Louisiana It Was a Great Day at the Capitol for Our Annual Encourage-A-Legislator Appreciation Day May 13, 2014 On Tuesday, May 13, nine CWA members and Encourage-A-Legislator (EAL) prayer volunteers met at the…State StaffMay 20, 2014
Virginia DO WHAT YOU ARE CALLED TO DO! On May 13, 2014, I, along with hundreds of others, traveled to Richmond to stand…State StaffMay 20, 2014
[LBB] Stop Radical Nominee David Barron"> News and Events [LBB] Stop Radical Nominee David Barron We need you to please call your senators now and ask them to OPPOSE this…Mario Diaz, Esq.May 20, 2014
News and EventsPress Releases USC Upstate Cuts Women’s and Gender Studies Program to Teach Constitution FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 20, 2014 MEDIA CONTACT: Alison Howard 202-266-4816 PRESS RELEASE USC…CWALAC StaffMay 20, 2014
House Legislative Updates House Legislative Update for May 16, 2014 The House is out of session this week and will return next week. However, the…CWALAC StaffMay 16, 2014
Senate Legislative Updates Senate Legislative Update for May 16, 2014 #BringBackOurGirls: This week the Subcommittee on African Affairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee held…Alexandria PaolozziMay 16, 2014
DIAZ: Acceptance of a public God by the high court"> LegalNews and Events DIAZ: Acceptance of a public God by the high court The recent Supreme Court decision on legislative prayer (Town of Greece v. Galloway) was not…Mario Diaz, Esq.May 16, 2014
Critics Trash PG ‘Moms’ Night Out,’ Glorify NC-17 Sex Romps"> Defense of FamilyNews and EventsSexual Exploitation Critics Trash PG ‘Moms’ Night Out,’ Glorify NC-17 Sex Romps Over Mother’s Day weekend, in a thousand U.S. theaters, a family comedy called Moms' Night…Rachel TaylorMay 16, 2014
North Dakota CWA of North Dakota Applauds Appeal of Federal Court Decision on Heartbeat Law In April Federal Judge Daniel L. Hovland struck down the North Dakota Heartbeat Law deeming…State StaffMay 15, 2014
[LBB] Yes, Many Americans Still Don’t Know About Benghazi"> News and Events [LBB] Yes, Many Americans Still Don’t Know About Benghazi Do you want to know why conservatives keep talking about Benghazi? Do you want to…Mario Diaz, Esq.May 14, 2014
California Northern California’s New Area Director Introduced at May 3 Tea The Northern California’s Tea to introduce CWA and the new Area Director, Patricia Del’Marmol, was…State StaffMay 14, 2014
Honor the True Legacy of All Women"> News and Events Honor the True Legacy of All Women Rep. Michele Bachmann is absolutely right about the National Women's History Museum. Concerned Women for…Rachel TaylorMay 14, 2014
News and EventsPress Releases Members of the Senate Calling for a Vote on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 13, 2014 MEDIA CONTACT: Alison Howard 202-266-4816 PRESS RELEASE CWALAC…Rachel TaylorMay 13, 2014
We Need More First Amendment Freedom, Not Less"> LegalNews and Events We Need More First Amendment Freedom, Not Less U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis famously wrote that the answer to objectionable speech “is…Mario Diaz, Esq.May 13, 2014
[LBB] The Left’s Shameful Response to Benghazi"> News and Events [LBB] The Left’s Shameful Response to Benghazi Let me just write a word about the latest Benghazi deflection by the so-called mainstream…Mario Diaz, Esq.May 12, 2014
California CWA of California Team at the State Capitol in Support of the Unborn CWA of California team members were back at the State Capitol Tuesday, May 6, 2014,…State StaffMay 12, 2014