CWA Latest in Townhall: Biden Administration Masks Abortion Agenda as ‘Gender Equality’

Concerned Women for America Vice President of International Affairs Neydy Casillas, Esq. highlights the Biden administration’s distorted rhetoric in defending a pro-abortion agenda in her latest Townhall article, “Biden Administration Masks Abortion Agenda as ‘Gender Equality.’” The Biden administration uses phrases like “gender equality,” “reproductive health and rights,” and “women’s health” to mask their efforts to increase abortion accessibility. Under the veil of women’s health, the Biden administration revoked the Mexico City policy, which forbids federal funding for abortions abroad. The U.S. is now funding the UN agency, UNFPA, again, which encourages abortion. Casillas reveals that this is all done under the veil of healthcare.

Casillas states, “Let’s just say it: abortion is not healthcare. An unborn baby who lives inside her mother’s womb is not an illness to be handled.” A child is a gift, not a problem. It is deeply concerning that the United States is contributing to abortion accessibility. We must fight for unborn lives in the U.S. and abroad.

Read the full piece here.