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Biden Administration Allows Doctors to Dispense Abortion Pill by Mail

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In light of COVID-19, the Biden Administration is temporarily allowing doctors to dispense the abortion pill by mail, making it a lot easier for women to perform at-home abortions.

This action will lift the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) former restrictions on abortion drugs and reverse a Trump Administration policy that was backed by the Supreme Court in January.

Current acting FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock informed the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) that allowing patients to receive abortion pills will not increase risks and will keep people safe from contracting the virus.[1]

Last year, ACOG requested that the FDA lift its requirement on the abortion drug, Mifepristone (also known as Mifeprex), arguing that the in-person requirement was unnecessary and placed patients and medical staff at risk of COVID-19.[2]

While ACOG and the FDA believe that it is unnecessary for abortion pills to be dispensed by a doctor in person, let’s just examine the FDA’s background on Mifepristone and what exactly it does to a woman and her baby.

FDA history:
Mifepristone was approved by the FDA in 2000 for up to 10 weeks’ gestation with an explicit warning that buyers should not purchase the drug over the Internet “because they will bypass important safeguards designed to protect their health.”

However, the FDA updated its website Tuesday, April 12, noting that it had conducted a “careful scientific review” of in-person and by-mail dispensing of the drugs “either by or under the supervision of a certified prescriber, or through a mail-order pharmacy when such dispensing is done under the supervision of a certified prescriber.”

“The FDA’s intent to exercise enforcement discretion with respect to these requirements during the public health emergency is the result of a thorough scientific review by experts within FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), who evaluated relevant information, including available clinical outcomes data and adverse event reports,” the FDA’s website said. [3]

What takes place during a medical or chemical abortion?
When a medical or chemical abortion takes place, Mifepristone is used together with another drug called Misoprostol (also known as Cytotec) to end the woman’s pregnancy.

In order to cut off blood and nourishment to her baby, Mifepristone will begin to block the mother’s natural production of “progesterone,” causing her child to starve to death.

Between 24-48 hours later, the woman will take Misoprostol which will cause her to contract and bleed in order to force the dead baby out of her womb. [4]

Several known risks of Mifepristone and Misoprostol include severe cramping, contractions, and heavy bleeding, as well as potential abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, and excessive bleeding. However, one of the biggest concerns with the drug is that since it has only had approval since 2000 in the United States, women are being subjected to a medical event with unknown risks.

According to Live Action’s websites, maternal deaths have even occurred. [5]

While “health experts” think that the risk of contracting COVID-19 outweighs the dangers of lifting restrictions on the abortion pill, we can see that increasing the ability to perform DIY abortions results in many health risks for mothers (known and unknown) and an increasing number of babies innocently murdered from abortion.

We must now more than ever not only stand up for the innocent unborn but also for women who are being deceived into believing that abortion is safe and that it is their only option.

[1] Alice Miranda Ollstein and Darius Tahir, “FDA lifts curbs on dispensing abortion pills during pandemic,” Politico, 4/12/2021,

[2] Kate Smith, “Biden administration to lift abortion pill restriction amid pandemic, “ CBS News, 4/13/2021,

[3] Mary Margaret Olohan, “Biden Administration Lifts Restrictions On Abortion Pill Despite Risks, Allows Them To Be Delivered By Mail,” The Daily Caller, 4/13/2021,

[4] Dr. Levatino and Live Action, “Abortion Procedures,” Abortion Procedures, a project of Live Action,

[5] Ibid