Georgia Updated 4-4-16 CWA of Georgia’s 2016 Legislative Priorities, Targeted Bills List and Voting Record The 2016 Georgia legislative session begins Monday, January 11, and you can depend on CWA…State StaffApril 4, 2016
Iowa Grassley Pursues Right Course on Supreme Court Vacancy State Director Tamara Scott letter to the editor in the StaffApril 4, 2016
Texas Rally in Support of Traditional Marriage Held State Director Ann Hettinger quoted in The Gilmer Mirror.State StaffApril 4, 2016
North Carolina CWA of North Carolina Spring/Summer Newsletter Now Available! Read and pass on to friends and family!State StaffApril 2, 2016
Louisiana State Director Sancha N. Smith Testifies About Her Abortion Before the Health and Welfare Committee on HB 386, 72-Hour Abortion Waiting Period Bill Click here and view Sancha N. Smith testimony at approximately 0:27:00.State StaffApril 1, 2016
Louisiana Three-day Wait for Abortions in Louisiana Focus of Bill Making Its Way Through Legislature State director quoted on StaffMarch 31, 2016
Louisiana House to Consider Longer Waiting Period for Abortion in La. State director quoted on ABC’s StaffMarch 31, 2016
North Carolina Stand by HB2 – Support Gov. Pat McCrory and North Carolina Businesses, Attend Events and More! North Carolina has been inundated by businesses, large-scale corporations, and film-makers who neither live nor vote…State StaffMarch 30, 2016
California A Great Ministry Opportunity Available Through CWA of California Have you heard of or been a part of our Encourage-A-Legislator (EAL) program? This is…State StaffMarch 30, 2016
South Dakota Defending the U.S. Constitution State Director’s letter to the editor posted on the Argus Leader.State StaffMarch 29, 2016
Georgia Gov. Deal buckled to bullies – important press conference planned Gov. Nathan Deal held a press conference this morning to declare that he is going…State StaffMarch 28, 2016
Louisiana Supreme Court Keeps Louisiana Abortion Clinics Open, denying Louisiana’s Efforts to Close Them Earlier this month on March 4, the U.S. Supreme Court Justices reversed an order by…State StaffMarch 28, 2016
California Pray and Take Action Concerning Obama’s Current Nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court Greetings CWA friends, President Obama's recent nomination of Judge Merrick Garland to the U.S. Supreme Court…State StaffMarch 26, 2016
Illinois DAY OF SILENCE – Hijacking of Illinois Classrooms for Political Purposes The Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) has designated April 15 as the Day…State StaffMarch 26, 2016
Illinois Illinois “Bathroom” Bill Set to Be Heard on April 5 – No Boys in Girls’ Bathrooms or Locker Rooms! Question: Are you okay with a teenage male showering next to your teenage daughter? Yes…State StaffMarch 26, 2016
North Carolina Great News! Charlotte Bathroom Ordinance Overturned in Special Session! By the passing of HB2 on March 23, 2016, during a special session of the…State StaffMarch 26, 2016
Uncategorized CWA of North Carolina Spring/Summer Newsletter Now Available! Read and pass on to friends and family!State StaffMarch 25, 2016
Uncategorized Pray and Take Action Concerning Obama’s Current Nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court The recent nomination made by our President for Judge Merrick Garland to the U.S. Supreme Court…State StaffMarch 23, 2016
Hawaii Hawaii Senators Propose Resolutions Praising Planned Parenthood There are two resolutions set to be heard this Wednesday in committee at our state…State StaffMarch 22, 2016
North Carolina Charlotte’s Bathroom Ordinance Set to be Voted on TOMORROW During Special Session Victory is in Sight! Please give your attention to this matter one more time. We…State StaffMarch 22, 2016