Ask Gov. Brown to Veto Dangerous Bills

By September 7, 2018California

We are so thankful that Assemblyman Evan Low (D-District 28), sponsor of AB 2943 decided to pull the bill from consideration after opening an important dialogue with pastors, former gays and lesbians and Christian counselors. We continue to ask for prayer for Assemblyman Evan Low as these conversations continue.

While AB 2943 is dead, there are many other measures of great concern that are now on the Gov. Jerry Brown’s desk. If they are not vetoed by the end of the month, they will become law. Please take a moment to contact the governor’s office and respectfully request he veto the following bills:

AB 2601 would require charter schools to include sex education in their curriculum, which includes the controversial California Healthy Youth Act (AB 329 passed in 2015) . Parents in school districts across the state have voiced concern over the radical sex-ed content and implementation of AB 329. This Act, that currently applies to public schools, would be applied to charter schools.  They would be required to teach about gender, gender expression, gender identity, and discuss the harm of negative gender stereotypes. Abstinence only instruction is not permitted. Instruction must recognize in a positive light the different sexual orientations, including same sex relationships when providing examples of couples or relationships.

AB 2119 requires minors in foster care to have access to gender affirming therapies upon request and the rights of parents and foster parents to help guide their children’s decisions are not specifically protected. Most children with gender dysphoria embrace their biological gender by the end of puberty. To provide hormone treatments and mutilating surgeries at a child’s request (a child who cannot, by the way, get a tan in a tanning salon even with parental permission) is hazardous to the very vulnerable youth we should be protecting and providing with appropriate counseling. Children are not equipped to understand the consequences of a decision that could make them infertile and dysfunctional sexually for the rest of their lives.

SB 320 would require all California public university campus health clinics to provide medication abortions up to ten weeks. Would require they dispense the RU-486 abortion pill. It would establish a College Student Health Center Sexual and Reproductive Health Preparation Fund to distribute $9.6 million to these clinics. Money from organizations and private citizens would be donated to this fund. There is nothing in the bill that precludes taxpayer money. 

Take Action: Please contact Gov. Brown as soon as possible and politely ask him to veto these bills. If you like, make one or two points. Be sure to let him know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of California.

Call (916) 445-2841 and then click here to email him a contact form. Note, within the “Please choose your subject” field simply scroll down and click on the specific bill number.

Again, if these bills are not vetoed by the end of the month, they will become law.

Please pray that the governor will seek God’s wisdom and follow His precepts.

All for God’s glory,

Marlo Tucker
State Director
CWA of California