April 12 Prayer/Action Alert – Do Not Lose Heart!

By April 11, 2018Washington

Dear CWA of Washington Friend,

2 Corinthians 4:16-18 encourages us, “Therefore we do not lose heart … For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.”  

We are certainly seeing spiritual, moral, and physical anarchy rising in our nation, as citizens with Biblical values are increasingly being mocked, fined, bullied, and even jailed simply for standing up for their sincerely held religious and moral values.  Plus, the 2018 legislative session was a huge disappointment for pro-life, pro-family citizens and a disaster for precious preborn babies and women’s dignity.  CWA of Washington opposed and fought to defeat contracted human surrogacy, mandated abortion insurance for all employers, and state interference in the doctor-patient relationship through a ban on counseling for gender dysphoria and related conditions.  All three of those bills (SB 6037, SB 6219, SB 5722) passed and were signed by Governor Inslee– much to our dismay–despite the lobbying of CWA of Washington members and members of other pro-family groups around the state.  This situation reinforces the importance of exercising our right to vote for legislators who will fight for Judeo Christian values in the public policy arena.

Yet, let us “not lose heart.” When we contact our legislators and they ignore us, we need to pray, then contact them again—if necessary, being a thorn in their sides. We simply cannot be quiet!

As for “the things which are not seen”, our members prayed for 101 legislators during the 2018 session through our Encourage-A-Legislator campaign.  This is outstanding!  A special thanks to those who participated.  While we didn’t see with our eyes the results we prayed for, our God heard our prayers, and we trust that He touched the heart of each one of those 101 legislators, drawing them one step closer to Himself.


40 Days for Life reports that babies were saved and abortion facilities were closed during the just-ended 40 Days for Life campaign!  Thank you to all who went out to take a stand and to pray for the unborn and those blinded to the evil of abortion.  James 2:20 tells us that, “faith without action is dead”.  Thank you for taking action!  Go to the 40 Days for Life website to find out more and watch for information announcing their next campaign.

The “Day of Silence” Walk Out: The pro-homosexual Day of Silence is scheduled for Friday, April 27, during which students are encouraged not to speak at all in the classroom.  While some teachers enable this by preparing special lesson plans, other teachers refuse to participate and need your support.  In opposition, CWA of Washington has endorsed The “Day of Silence” Walk Out.  Click here to find out more about The “Day of Silence” Walk Out. If more parents speak up and discuss this issue with their school leadership, a walk out may not be necessary next year and Day of Silence would become ineffective.   Please visit the Day of Silence Walkout website on how to deal with the Day of Silence.  It is very important to realize that this movement seeks to undermine the Biblical truth, “ So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them,” (Genesis 1:27).  We must not be silent!

National Day of Prayer (NDP): This is an annual event attended by thousands of citizens around the nation.  Please be a part of this year’s NDP on Thursday, May 3, by either attending a local event or planning one of your own.  This year’s theme is “Unity: based on Ephesians 4:3, “Making every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” Visit the NDP website for more information.


Please be in prayer for our First Amendment rights to freedom of religion and speech. Right now, there is a very important case before the U.S. Supreme Court that will have far-reaching consequences.  In Washington and California, laws have been passed that force pro-life clinics to post information on abortion clinics in their clinics and on all their advertising.  According to the First Amendment, the government has no right to censor speech, so why does it have the right to force citizens to say something opposed to their sincerely held religious or moral beliefs?  This principle is the same as in the cases about florists and bakers being forced to participate in activities counter to their sincerely-held religious or moral beliefs.  For more on this issue, please read CWA’s General Counsel Mario Diaz’s article,  CWA Stands for Free Speech at the U.S. Supreme Court which includes a video of CWA in front of the Supreme Court on the day the case was heard.


Finally, partner with CWA with a tax-deductible donation of $25 or more.  This has TWO benefits: you become a part of CWA of Washington and CWA national.  All donations sent to CWA of Washington at P.O. Box 143, Woodinville, WA 98072 remain in Washington for state projects, activities, office supplies, transportation and more.  Please make checks out to “CWA” and write “Washington” on the memo line.  Or you can give online to CWA of Washington. Your donations of any amount are greatly appreciated!

Feel free to share this alert with other concerned citizens.  We appreciate your support and your prayers.  And remember: Do not lose heart!


Maureen Richardson
State Director
CWA of Washington
P.O. Box 143
Woodinville, WA 98072