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Conversion Therapy Ban Vote as Early as Today! Prayer and Action Needed!

By April 11, 2018Maine
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Suddenly, the conversion therapy bill, L.D. 912, is on a fast track.  It passed out of committee and is expected to be voted on by both the House and Senate as early as TODAY!

This bill violates parental rights, religious freedom, the 1st Amendment on free speech, the 14th Amendment on right to work, and the rights of our kids to get help for confusing sexual issues.

If you are reading this, please do not delay; contact your lawmakers to let them know you oppose a ban on conversion therapy of any kind. Even if you contacted them last month when we asked you to, don’t hesitate to contact them again. We must be heard!

Take Action:

  • Please call, e-mail, and write your legislators — do all three if possible — and voice your opposition to this horrific bill, L.D. 912. Be sure to let them know you are a member of CWA of Maine. Find your lawmakers here.
  • Pass this message immediately to all in your address book and encourage them to pray and take action today.

Please pray with me: “Dear Father, please convince the lawmakers in Augusta of the harm this impending legislation will do to our kids and enlighten them to oppose it completely.  In Jesus’ Name.  Amen.”

“If anyone causes one of these little ones-those who believe in me-to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” — Matthew 18:6

Penny Morrell
State Director
CWA of Maine