ACTION NEEDED to Protect Religious Freedom in Pennsylvania

By September 24, 2015Pennsylvania

Soon, your Pennsylvania lawmakers will be voting on SB 974 and HB 1510. These bills would make “sexual orientation and gender identity” special rights in state law and cause Pennsylvanians of faith to be punished if they do not comply.

If this legislation passes, as seen from precedent in other states, this law would:

  • Force Christian schools and ministries to hire employees who are opposed to their teaching on gender, sexuality and marriage. Click here for more on this.
  • Force religious adoption and foster care agencies to place children in homes of same-sex couples, regardless of their convictions. If they don’t comply, they run the risk of having to close down their business.
  • Cause wedding photographers, bakers and other business owners to be prosecuted for not participating in same-sex weddings.
  • Cause privacy issues when a person of the opposite sex identifies differently and wishes to use public facilities like restrooms, dressing rooms and locker rooms.

We need YOU to contact Pennsylvania lawmakers today and urge them to oppose these bills!

  • SB 974 is currently in the Senate State Government Committee.  Contact each member and ask them to vote NO on SB 974.
  • HB 1510 is currently in the House State Government Committee.  Contact each member and ask them to vote NO on SB 974.
  • Contact both your Senators and your Representative.  Respectfully ask them to protect the religious liberty of Pennsylvanians.  Ask your Senators to vote NO on SB 974 if it comes to the floor for a vote.  And, ask your representative to vote NO on HB 1510 if it comes to the floor for a vote. You can find all their contact information here. In addition, make it clear that if similar language is snuck into amendments to other bills, that you want them to vote NO on those.

Please pray for your legislator by name.  May they see the threat these bills are to religious liberty and then have the wisdom and courage to vote NO.