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No One is Born in the Wrong Body—Stories of Detransitioners Drive Sound Policy

A few months ago, 26-year-old Prisha Mosley welcomed her first baby boy into the world. The birth of a child is always a miraculous occasion, but for Prisha even more so – just 10 years ago, Prisha was taking male hormones and even underwent a double mastectomy thanks to a medical industry that encouraged her gender dysphoria. Now, Prisha and fellow detransitioners are taking their stories to Capitol Hill to help save others from the cult of radical gender ideology.

Detransitioners, former trans-identifying people, are being largely ignored by the broader culture. Their stories of trauma, medical malpractice, and deep regret go against the narrative that it is cool and healthy to identify as something other than your biological sex.

But the Congressional Family Caucus, chaired by Rep. Mary Miller (R – Illinois 15th), recently hosted a panel of detransitioners, giving a platform to these important voices fighting to end gender experimentation on minors. The panel, titled “Supporting Victims of Gender Transition,” sought to expose the egregious damage being done to vulnerable minors.

Alongside Prisha was Chloe Cole, who was put on puberty blockers at age 13 and received a double mastectomy at 15. Isabelle Ayala, now 20, started testosterone shots at 14, which led to hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s disease. All three represent the countless number of minors who have been irreversibly harmed by a medical industry captured by an evil ideology.

For Prisha, the journey spiraled when a diagnosis of clinical depression led doctors to suggest medicalized “gender transition.” They told her that changing her body to look like a boy’s would cure her mental health problems. Because they were doctors, authorities on how to heal their patients, Prisha trusted their judgement. She believed them when they told her that injecting massive doses of testosterone into her female body would make her feel better, and that removing her otherwise healthy breasts was a solution and not the beginning of a lifetime of medical complications. Doctors are supposed to do no harm, after all.

This story has been repeated far too often in recent years. Minors struggling with childhood trauma or some other mental health disorder are told by medical professionals that changing their gender will solve all their issues; they will feel better if they just identify as something other than what they were born. But the reality is that the vast majority of children who struggle with gender dysphoria eventually grow out of it. A study released earlier this year found that 95% of the children in the study identified with their biological sex by the time they reached adulthood.

Prisha and Chloe are both affiliated with the CHANGED Movement, an organization made up of fellow detransitioners and parents with gender-confused children, who worked with Rep. Miller to put on the panel. The nonpartisan group fights against any form of gender experimentation, from counselors “affirming” the wrong gender to the use of puberty blockers and mutilation procedures. Instead, they advocate for legislators and medical professionals to recognize the reality of two unchangeable sexes.

To that end, there are several bills at the federal level that would bring these barbaric procedures to an end. One is the Protecting Resources Of Taxpayers to Eliminate Childhood Transgender Surgeries (PROTECTS) Act. Introduced by Rep. Rich McCormick (R-Georgia 6th), the bill would prohibit federal funds from being used to provide gender mutilation surgeries to minors. It is egregious that this bill is even necessary and that taxpayer dollars are right now going towards permanently harming children.

Rep. Doug LaMalfa (R-California-1st) introduced another couple of bills to address this epidemic.

The End Taxpayer Funding of Gender Experimentation Act would protect taxpayers’ consciences by prohibiting federal funding for gender reassignment surgeries and treatments. Similar to the PROTECTS Act, this would defund these procedures for any patient, not just minors.

But even if the prior two bills were signed into law, these procedures could still be performed, just without the benefit of taxpayer funding. That’s why the Protecting Children from Experimentation Act has also been proposed. It would prohibit doctors from performing experimental gender reassignment treatments on children, regardless of funding.

While Prisha now lives as the woman she was born to be, her life will never be the same. She will never be able to breastfeed her child and will continue to suffer from complications from the massive doses of testosterone she received. And because what was done to her is so contrary to regular medical practice, doctors are not even sure how best to treat her. She has been redeemed, but the consequences endure.

No child should have to go through what Prisha and other detransitioners have been put through. No one is born in the wrong body – each is created perfectly by God for a specific purpose. The fact that the government, in the name of a false ideology, is funding and enabling these life-altering procedures is egregious. Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee (CWALAC) applauds the work of these brave advocates for speaking truth and of the lawmakers working to end this practice.