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Meet CWA’s Ronald Reagan Memorial Internship Summer Interns

Hello! My name is Jaelyn Morgan, and I am currently interning with Concerned Women for America (CWA) in the International Affairs Department.

I am absolutely thrilled to be working with this faith-based, conservative organization. I am similarly convicted about CWA’s seven core issues and love how they combine prayer with action, living out the Biblical worldview by pushing for policies that adhere to Biblical principles. Working with CWA has been a refreshing experience. It has shown me there are many Christians locally and nationwide who still believe in Biblical principles and see their practical connection to conservative policy. I have been rejuvenated seeing CWA leaders and supporters voting, supporting, and raising awareness about issues that can steer our country in a direction that honors God and honors people, made in His Image.

Throughout this internship, I have been learning a lot about current international affairs and U.S. foreign policy. I have learned the reasoning for our nation’s current stance toward other countries, such as China, Iran, and Israel and have also been exposed to issues of which I had never heard.

Perhaps the most eye-opening issue I have researched is the persecution of the Uyghurs in China. I was shocked to learn that the government is not only trying to wipe out this minority’s faith and identity through re-education camps but is also forcing medical sterilization and abortions on their women to shrink the Uyghur population over time. God has really humbled me before Him by exposing to me the vastness of injustice in the world and the immense human rights violations that go on everywhere, every day. I am so thankful to serve a God who cares deeply for us and who continuously raises up individuals who fear Him to fight for the dignity of each human being in these situations. Without hope in God’s justice, these situations seem overwhelming. But with a worldview grounded in Him, we are strong enough to learn more about these issues and stand up for these people in prayer paired with action. God has definitely used CWA to expose me to these issues and to learn how to respond and work within them as well.

Next spring, I plan to graduate from Liberty University with a Bachelor’s in Christian Theology and Apologetics. After that, I am prayerfully considering law school with a concentration in K-12 education policy or obtaining a master’s degree in policy administration. My dream job is to work in developing and implementing a research-based K-12 curriculum on critical thinking. Long term, I would love to work in implementing this curriculum at the grassroots level, helping local districts incorporate it into their schools in a practical way and conducting follow-up research to make improvements in the future.

I am so thankful to CWA for increasing my awareness of conservatism and showing me the value of a grassroots approach! This internship has changed my life and enabled me to live out my faith in new and improved ways. I am so grateful to work under the amazing national staff that composes CWA, and for the lovely friendships I have made with my fellow interns, Lindsey and Natalie.

Here are a few of the articles that Jaelyn write for CWA during her summer internship:

U.S. Relationship with World Health Organization will be Determined by This Year’s Presidential Election

Defunding World Health Organization is Necessary; Here’s Why