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Legislative Update from Augusta

By April 16, 2019Maine
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Right now, in the Maine legislature we are facing:

• Taxpayer-funded abortion and mandated abortion coverage in health insurance policies – L.D. 820.
• A ban on conversion therapy that helps individuals who are struggling with sexual confusion – L.D. 1025.
• Physician-assisted suicide – L.D. 1313.
• An Equal Rights Amendment that would expand abortion and LGBTQ special rights – L.D. 433.

(Additional information on each bill is at the bottom of this e-alert.)

Every one of these bills has grave consequences and are making their way through the Maine State Legislature. They have either had public hearings, work sessions and/or been voted out of committee. Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Maine has attended and given testimony on every bill in unison with a handful of other outstanding pro-family organizations.
Lives are at stake as well as our rights and freedoms. We must act now! It’s imperative that you contact your legislators today and urge them to oppose all four bills. If we know and do nothing to stop it, we are guilty as well. (Proverbs 24:11 – 12)

Take Action:
1. Please e-mail your legislators, so you have a written record of your communication AND then call them to talk to them personally. These pieces of legislation are so important that your lawmakers need to hear from you in more than one way and more than one time. Find your Senator and your  Representative both listed alphabetically by town. Let them know you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Maine.
2. Please call or e-mail me and let me know the responses you receive from your legislators, so I know better who to thank and who to lobby further. This will be very helpful.
3. Please forward this e-alert to friends and family and ask them to do the same.
Please pray with me: Dear Father, call Your church to arise and to take a stand for the freedoms and rights our great state has enjoyed. Give us the strength to oppose our government that now attempting to take them away. We are each here for such a time as this. We are in a culture war, and if we don’t fight, we will lose! In Jesus’ Name. Amen

Penny Morrell
State Director
CWA of Maine
(207) 465-6015

Please consider contributing online to the work of CWA of Maine. Your involvement, financial gifts, and prayers could not be more appreciated. Thank you!
Additional Information
Click on the links below to read the bills, stay up-to-date on their status, read testimonies for and against each bill, and more. I recommend you read some of the testimonies by clicking on “Committee Info” within the left column and then click on “Public Hearing Testimony.”

L.D. 820  mandates taxpayer-funded abortion for MaineCare patients of low income, and also mandates insurance companies include abortion coverage in their healthcare plans. Abortion is not health care; it’s murder.
L.D. 1025 would ban conversion therapy to minors with sexual confusion. The bill mandates the encouragement of the homosexual lifestyle. The proposed legislation is an assault on a patient’s right to obtain the professional help they are seeking for unwanted attractions. The state would be inappropriately intruding in private counseling situations – counseling that has helped thousands achieve the goals the patient is seeking. Denying this therapy, which has had well-documented success, is not the role of government.
L.D. 1313, the physician-assisted suicide bill, purports to end life with dignity. Taking large dosages of pills over a period of time, without doctor participation or care, and possibly forcing heirs to carry out this regiment, is not dignity. Though end-of-life care is available, the death culture is pushing this horrible practice on us for the ninth time in the Maine Legislature. We have said “no” the past eight times and must do so again!
L.D. 433, the state-level “Equal Rights” Amendment, promotes abortion, LGBTQ rights, and more. We have lobbied legislators on the truth of this bill, and there is much more work to be done. It came out of committee as a divided report which means it will go before the House and Senate for a vote, and if passed it will go to the governor who will sign it. This bill must be stopped. Click here for talking points.